Using the Multiple Intelligences as a Learning Intervention: A Model for Coaching and Mentoring

Authors: Harding, C.

Journal: International Journal of Evidence Based Coaching and Mentoring

Volume: 4

Issue: 2

Publisher: Oxford Brookes

ISSN: 1741-8305


The purpose of this study was to explore the ways in which Gardner's Multiple Intelligences (MI) could be incorporated into a model for coaching and mentoring. The research was conducted through a qualitative study using Action Research. Six coach-mentors worked with six learners and devised interventions to emphasise the MI through the coaching-mentoring process in a variety of contexts. Both the impact on the progress of the learners and the impact on the practice of the coach-mentors were analysed. The study concluded by acknowledging that in emphasising a range of MI during the coaching-mentoring process learners were stimulated to progress their learning. The discipline of aiming to use all of the MI encouraged the coach-mentors to take risks in designing experiential interventions. The creation of a MI Model and a MI Toolbox for Coaching and Mentoring gave coach-mentors a structure in which to work and a language for discussing and developing their work. The Model and Toolbox exist as tangible outcomes of the study.

Source: Manual

Preferred by: Colleen Harding

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