Plant densities, yields and area demands for maize under shifting cultivation in the Chinantla, Mexico

Authors: van der Wal, H., Golicher, J.D., Caudillo-Caudillo, S. and Vargas-Dominguez, M.


Volume: 40

Issue: 4

Pages: 449-460

ISSN: 1405-3195

Source: Web of Science (Lite)

Plant densities, yields and area demands for maize under shifting cultivation in the Chinantla, Mexico.

Authors: Van der Wal, H., Golicher, D., Caudillo-Caudillo, S. and Vargas-Domínguez, M.

Journal: Agrociencia

Volume: 40

Pages: 449-460

ISSN: 1405-3195

Source: Manual

Preferred by: Duncan Golicher