A Multi-party Contract Model

Authors: Xu, L.

Journal: ACM SIGecom Exchanges

Volume: 5

Pages: 13-23

DOI: 10.1145/1120694.1120697


Contracts between multiple business parties play an increasingly important role in the global economy where activities along the value chain are executed by independent, yet co-operating, companies. Information technology to enact a value chain is now being deployed in the form of ERP systems, workflow systems, web services and e-marketplaces. However, there is little known on how to formally model a multi-party contract. In this paper, we investigate how to model a multi-party contract in a manner convenient for detecting the parties responsible for contract violations.

Source: Manual

Preferred by: Lai Xu

A multi-party contract model.

Authors: Xu, L.

Journal: SIGecom Exch.

Volume: 5

Pages: 13-23

Source: DBLP