Eighteen years on: What next for the PALPA?

Authors: Bate, S., Kay, J., Code, C., Haslam, C. and Hallowell, B.

Journal: International Journal of Speech-Language Pathology

Volume: 12

Issue: 3

Pages: 190-202

eISSN: 1754-9507

ISSN: 1754-9515

DOI: 10.3109/17549500903548825


The Psycholinguistic Assessments of Language Processing Abilities (PALPA) is a battery of tests designed to assess language processing abilities in individuals with acquired aphasia. Published in 1992, the battery was well-received by both clinicians and researchers, yet no revised version has been published to date. In this paper, we examine contemporary usage of the PALPA in both clinical and research settings, to inform decisions regarding future developments of the resource. First, we carried out a literature search to identify all published papers that have cited the PALPA since 2003, and compared our findings to those from an earlier search covering the period from 1991 to 2002. Second, we created an online survey that examined current usage of the PALPA in both clinicians and researchers. Our findings suggest the PALPA continues to be a well-used tool in both clinical and research settings, but could benefit from some improvements in its content and presentation. Further, there are time constraints in administering the PALPA, indicating an additional component for general-screening purposes would be a welcome extension to the battery. © 2010 The Speech Pathology Association of Australia Limited.

Source: Scopus

Eighteen years on: What next for the PALPA?

Authors: Bate, S., Kay, J., Code, C., Haslam, C. and Hallowell, B.

Journal: Int J Speech Lang Pathol

Volume: 12

Issue: 3

Pages: 190-202

eISSN: 1754-9515

DOI: 10.3109/17549500903548825


The Psycholinguistic Assessments of Language Processing Abilities (PALPA) is a battery of tests designed to assess language processing abilities in individuals with acquired aphasia. Published in 1992, the battery was well-received by both clinicians and researchers, yet no revised version has been published to date. In this paper, we examine contemporary usage of the PALPA in both clinical and research settings, to inform decisions regarding future developments of the resource. First, we carried out a literature search to identify all published papers that have cited the PALPA since 2003, and compared our findings to those from an earlier search covering the period from 1991 to 2002. Second, we created an online survey that examined current usage of the PALPA in both clinicians and researchers. Our findings suggest the PALPA continues to be a well-used tool in both clinical and research settings, but could benefit from some improvements in its content and presentation. Further, there are time constraints in administering the PALPA, indicating an additional component for general-screening purposes would be a welcome extension to the battery.

Source: PubMed

Eighteen years on: What next for the PALPA?

Authors: Bate, S., Kay, J., Code, C.C., Haslam, C. and Hallowell, B.

Journal: International Journal of Speech-Language Pathology

Volume: 12

Pages: 190-202

ISSN: 1754-9507

DOI: 10.3109/17549500903548825


The Psycholinguistic Assessments of Language Processing Abilities (PALPA) is a battery of tests designed to assess language processing abilities in individuals with acquired aphasia. Published in 1992, the battery was well-received by both clinicians and researchers, yet no revised version has been published to date. In this paper, we examine contemporary usage of the PALPA in both clinical and research settings, to inform decisions regarding future developments of the resource. First, we carried out a literature search to identify all published papers that have cited the PALPA since 2003, and compared our findings to those from an earlier search covering the period from 1991 to 2002. Second, we created an online survey that examined current usage of the PALPA in both clinicians and researchers. Our findings suggest the PALPA continues to be a well-used tool in both clinical and research settings, but could benefit from some improvements in its content and presentation. Further, there are time constraints in administering the PALPA, indicating an additional component for general-screening purposes would be a welcome extension to the battery

Source: Manual

Preferred by: Sarah Bate

Eighteen years on: What next for the PALPA?

Authors: Bate, S., Kay, J., Code, C., Haslam, C. and Hallowell, B.

Journal: International journal of speech-language pathology

Volume: 12

Issue: 3

Pages: 190-202

eISSN: 1754-9515

ISSN: 1754-9507

DOI: 10.3109/17549500903548825


The Psycholinguistic Assessments of Language Processing Abilities (PALPA) is a battery of tests designed to assess language processing abilities in individuals with acquired aphasia. Published in 1992, the battery was well-received by both clinicians and researchers, yet no revised version has been published to date. In this paper, we examine contemporary usage of the PALPA in both clinical and research settings, to inform decisions regarding future developments of the resource. First, we carried out a literature search to identify all published papers that have cited the PALPA since 2003, and compared our findings to those from an earlier search covering the period from 1991 to 2002. Second, we created an online survey that examined current usage of the PALPA in both clinicians and researchers. Our findings suggest the PALPA continues to be a well-used tool in both clinical and research settings, but could benefit from some improvements in its content and presentation. Further, there are time constraints in administering the PALPA, indicating an additional component for general-screening purposes would be a welcome extension to the battery.

Source: Europe PubMed Central