Cyprus' image-a sun and sea destination-as a detrimental factor to seasonal fluctuations. Exploration into motivational factors for holidaying in Cyprus

Authors: Koutra, C. and Karyopouli, S.

Journal: Journal of Travel and Tourism Marketing

Volume: 30

Issue: 7

Pages: 700-714

ISSN: 1054-8408

DOI: 10.1080/10548408.2013.827548


Cyprus is established as a summer destination. To aid the destination in developing its winter season as well, this research uses a qualitative, interpretive, inductive approach to explore the tourists' visitation motivations in order to establish whether Cyprus can be perceived as a year-round destination. The research indicates that the sun and sea image prevails and determines visitations. This in effect dissuades tourists from seeing it as a year-round destination. Nonetheless, increasing the pull factors of the destination through the development of unique special interest products can help in extending the tourism season as well as broaden its narrow image. © 2013 Copyright Taylor and Francis Group, LLC.

Source: Scopus