Brands in higher education: Challenges and potential strategies
Authors: Chapleo, C.
Journal: International Studies of Management and Organization
Volume: 45
Issue: 2
Pages: 150-163
eISSN: 1558-0911
ISSN: 0020-8825
DOI: 10.1080/00208825.2015.1006014
Abstract:This study explores the challenges of university branding and the qualities that make university branding different from commercial branding in terms of cultural issues, branding concepts and frameworks, and brands architecture. The literature about branding in the university sector is described and viewed in the context of exploratory interviews with 55 university managers. The results present the differences between university and commercial brandings as well as culture, brand concepts, and brand architecture. The study was conducted in U.K. universities, but similar issues in many other countries mean that the results are comparable internationally. Overall, the findings presented in this research offer a valuable contribution to our understanding of the complexities of higher education branding.
Source: Scopus
‘Brands in Higher Education ; Challenges and Potential Strategies’
Authors: Chapleo, C.
Journal: Journal of International Studies of Management and Organization.
DOI: 10.1080/00208825.2015.1006014
Abstract:This study explores the challenges of university branding and the qualities that make university branding different from commercial branding in terms of cultural issues, branding concepts and frameworks and brands architecture. The literature about branding in the university sector is described and viewed in the context of exploratory interviews with fifty five university managers. The results present the differences between university and commercial brandings as well as culture, brand concepts and brand architecture,. The study was conducted in UK universities, but similar issues in many other countries means that the results are comparable internationally. Overall, the findings presented in this research offer a valuable contribution to our understanding of the complexities of higher education branding.
Source: Manual
Preferred by: Chris Chapleo
‘Brands in Higher Education ; Challenges and Potential Strategies’
Authors: Chapleo, C.
Journal: International Studies of Management & Organization
Volume: 45
Issue: 2
Pages: 150-163
ISSN: 0020-8825
Abstract:This study explores the challenges of university branding and the qualities that make university branding different from commercial branding in terms of cultural issues, branding concepts and frameworks and brands architecture. The literature about branding in the university sector is described and viewed in the context of exploratory interviews with fifty five university managers. The results present the differences between university and commercial brandings as well as culture, brand concepts and brand architecture,. The study was conducted in UK universities, but similar issues in many other countries means that the results are comparable internationally. Overall, the findings presented in this research offer a valuable contribution to our understanding of the complexities of higher education branding.
Source: BURO EPrints