Adaptive virtualisation for multi modal learning objects

Authors: Newell, D., Davies, P., Atfield-Cutts, S. and Yearp, A.

Journal: MMEDIA - International Conferences on Advances in Multimedia

Pages: 37-43

ISSN: 2308-4448


Work by the writers has investigated validation methods for creation and manipulation of multi modal learning objects in an adaptive Virtual Learning Environment (VLE) presentation system. This paper investigates the requirements for a robust, autonomous, virtual infrastructure needed to simulate novel adaptive methods based on fragmentation and routing algorithms like OSPF. Evaluation is done of virtualised processes adapted on a software router in a known infrastructure. Adaption is achieved with operations performed on the metadata of learning object fragments rather than link states. Execution of such models in a 'Semantic Ontology Engine' is proposed as an approach to the creation of a cloud computing based semantic multimedia VLE, offering better personalisation. The findings emerge by means of a comparison of simulation results of virtual network components.

Source: Scopus

Preferred by: Andrew Yearp