Including children with autism in everyday life

Authors: Hasselbusch, A. and Baumgarten, A.

Journal: Ergotherapie und Rehabilitation

Volume: 53

Issue: 1

Pages: 14-18

ISSN: 0942-8623


For children with ASD, participation in all areas of daily life and in many everyday situations is often complicated by problems specific to autism, for example, perception processing. Sensory hyper-reactions often limit the inclusion of children in kindergarten or school and burden family life. Inclusion can be eased with the help of adaptations to the child's environment and daily activities as well as by individual strategies that can be used independently by a child whenever possible. A child's participation in daily life can be improved by occupational therapeutic coaching with visual communications approaches in conjunction with the child and his significant others. Copyright: Schulz-Kirchner Verlag, Idstein.

Source: Scopus

Preferred by: Andrea Hasselbusch