Designs from the deep: Marine organisms for bone tissue engineering

Authors: Clarke, S.A., Walsh, P., Maggs, C.A. and Buchanan, F.

Journal: Biotechnology Advances

Volume: 29

Issue: 6

Pages: 610-617

ISSN: 0734-9750

DOI: 10.1016/j.biotechadv.2011.04.003


Current strategies for bone repair have accepted limitations and the search for synthetic graft materials or for scaffolds that will support ex vivo bone tissue engineering continues. Biomimetic strategies have led to the investigation of naturally occurring porous structures as templates for bone growth. The marine environment is rich in mineralizing organisms with porous structures, some of which are currently being used as bone graft materials and others that are in early stages of development. This review describes the current evidence available for these organisms, considers the relative promise of each and suggests potential future directions. © 2011 Elsevier Inc.

Source: Scopus

Designs from the deep: marine organisms for bone tissue engineering.

Authors: Clarke, S.A., Walsh, P., Maggs, C.A. and Buchanan, F.

Journal: Biotechnol Adv

Volume: 29

Issue: 6

Pages: 610-617

eISSN: 1873-1899

DOI: 10.1016/j.biotechadv.2011.04.003


Current strategies for bone repair have accepted limitations and the search for synthetic graft materials or for scaffolds that will support ex vivo bone tissue engineering continues. Biomimetic strategies have led to the investigation of naturally occurring porous structures as templates for bone growth. The marine environment is rich in mineralizing organisms with porous structures, some of which are currently being used as bone graft materials and others that are in early stages of development. This review describes the current evidence available for these organisms, considers the relative promise of each and suggests potential future directions.

Source: PubMed

Designs from the deep: Marine organisms for bone tissue engineering

Authors: Clarke, S.A., Walsh, P., Maggs, C.A. and Buchanan, F.


Volume: 29

Issue: 6

Pages: 610-617

eISSN: 1873-1899

ISSN: 0734-9750

DOI: 10.1016/j.biotechadv.2011.04.003

Source: Web of Science (Lite)

Designs from the deep: marine organisms for bone tissue engineering.

Authors: Clarke, S.A., Walsh, P., Maggs, C.A. and Buchanan, F.

Journal: Biotechnology advances

Volume: 29

Issue: 6

Pages: 610-617

eISSN: 1873-1899

ISSN: 0734-9750

DOI: 10.1016/j.biotechadv.2011.04.003


Current strategies for bone repair have accepted limitations and the search for synthetic graft materials or for scaffolds that will support ex vivo bone tissue engineering continues. Biomimetic strategies have led to the investigation of naturally occurring porous structures as templates for bone growth. The marine environment is rich in mineralizing organisms with porous structures, some of which are currently being used as bone graft materials and others that are in early stages of development. This review describes the current evidence available for these organisms, considers the relative promise of each and suggests potential future directions.

Source: Europe PubMed Central