Late Quaternary sea-level changes of the Persian Gulf

Authors: Lokier, S.W., Bateman, M.D., Larkin, N.R., Rye, P. and Stewart, J.R.

Journal: Quaternary Research (United States)

Volume: 84

Issue: 1

Pages: 69-81

eISSN: 1096-0287

ISSN: 0033-5894

DOI: 10.1016/j.yqres.2015.04.007


Late Quaternary reflooding of the Persian Gulf climaxed with the mid-Holocene highstand previously variously dated between 6 and 3.4. ka. Examination of the stratigraphic and paleoenvironmental context of a mid-Holocene whale beaching allows us to accurately constrain the timing of the transgressive, highstand and regressive phases of the mid- to late Holocene sea-level highstand in the Persian Gulf. Mid-Holocene transgression of the Gulf surpassed today's sea level by 7100-6890. cal. yr BP, attaining a highstand of >. 1. m above current sea level shortly after 5290-4570. cal. yr BP before falling back to current levels by 1440-1170. cal. yr BP. The cetacean beached into an intertidal hardground pond during the transgressive phase (5300-4960. cal. yr BP) with continued transgression interring the skeleton in shallow-subtidal sediments. Subsequent relative sea-level fall produced a forced regression with consequent progradation of the coastal system. These new ages refine previously reported timings for the mid- to late Holocene sea-level highstand published for other regions. By so doing, they allow us to constrain the timing of this correlatable global eustatic event more accurately.

Source: Scopus

Late Quaternary sea-level changes of the Persian Gulf

Authors: Lokier, S.W., Bateman, M.D., Larkin, N.R., Rye, P. and Stewart, J.R.


Volume: 84

Issue: 1

Pages: 69-81

eISSN: 1096-0287

ISSN: 0033-5894

DOI: 10.1016/j.yqres.2015.04.007

Source: Web of Science (Lite)

Late Quaternary sea-level changes of the Persian Gulf

Authors: Lokier, S.W., Bateman, M.D., Larkin, N.R., Rye, P. and Stewart, J.R.

Journal: Quaternary Research

Volume: 84

Issue: 1

Pages: 69-81

ISSN: 1096-0287

DOI: 10.1016/j.yqres.2015.04.007


Late Quaternary reflooding of the Persian Gulf climaxed with the mid-Holocene highstand previously variously dated between 6 and 3.4 ka. Examination of the stratigraphic and paleoenvironmental context of a mid- Holocenewhale beaching allows us to accurately constrain the timing of the transgressive, highstand and regressive phases of the mid- to late Holocene sea-level highstand in the Persian Gulf. Mid-Holocene transgression of the Gulf surpassed today's sea level by 7100–6890 cal yr BP, attaining a highstand of N1 m above current sea level shortly after 5290–4570 cal yr BP before falling back to current levels by 1440–1170 cal yr BP. The cetacean beached into an intertidal hardground pond during the transgressive phase (5300–4960 cal yr BP) with continued transgression interring the skeleton in shallow-subtidal sediments. Subsequent relative sea-level fall produced a forced regression with consequent progradation of the coastal system. These new ages refine previously reported timings for the mid- to late Holocene sea-level highstand published for other regions. By so doing, they allow us to constrain the timing of this correlatable global eustatic event more accurately.

Source: Manual

Late Quaternary sea-level changes of the Persian Gulf

Authors: Lokier, S.W., Bateman, M.D., Larkin, N.R., Rye, P. and Stewart, J.R.

Journal: Quaternary Research

Volume: 84

Issue: 1

Pages: 69-81

ISSN: 1096-0287


Late Quaternary reflooding of the Persian Gulf climaxed with the mid-Holocene highstand previously variously dated between 6 and 3.4 ka. Examination of the stratigraphic and paleoenvironmental context of a mid- Holocenewhale beaching allows us to accurately constrain the timing of the transgressive, highstand and regressive phases of the mid- to late Holocene sea-level highstand in the Persian Gulf. Mid-Holocene transgression of the Gulf surpassed today's sea level by 7100–6890 cal yr BP, attaining a highstand of N1 m above current sea level shortly after 5290–4570 cal yr BP before falling back to current levels by 1440–1170 cal yr BP. The cetacean beached into an intertidal hardground pond during the transgressive phase (5300–4960 cal yr BP) with continued transgression interring the skeleton in shallow-subtidal sediments. Subsequent relative sea-level fall produced a forced regression with consequent progradation of the coastal system. These new ages refine previously reported timings for the mid- to late Holocene sea-level highstand published for other regions. By so doing, they allow us to constrain the timing of this correlatable global eustatic event more accurately.

Source: BURO EPrints