Using the hybrid social learning network to explore concepts, practices, designs and smart services for networked professional learning

Authors: Cook, J., Ley, T., Maier, R., Mor, Y., Santos, P., Lex, E., Dennerlein, S., Trattner, C. and Holley, D.

Journal: Lecture Notes in Educational Technology

Issue: 9789812878663

Pages: 123-129

eISSN: 2196-4971

ISSN: 2196-4963

DOI: 10.1007/978-981-287-868-7_14


In this paper, we define the notion of the Hybrid Social Learning Network. We propose mechanisms for interlinking and enhancing both the practice of professional learning and theories on informal learning. Our approach shows how we employ empirical and design work and a Participatory Pattern Workshop to move from (kernel) theories via Design Principles and prototypes to social machines articulating the notion of a HSLN. We illustrate this approach with the example of Help Seeking for healthcare professionals.

Source: Scopus

Using the hybrid social learning network to explore concepts, practices, designs and smart services for networked professional learning

Authors: Cook, J., Ley, T., Maier, R., Mor, Y., Santos, P., Lex, E., Dennerlein, S., Trattner, C. and Holley, D.

Journal: Lecture Notes in Educational Technology

Issue: 9789812878663

Pages: 123-129

eISSN: 2196-4971

ISSN: 2196-4963

DOI: 10.1007/978-981-287-868-7_14


© 2016, Springer Science+Business Media Singapore. In this paper, we define the notion of the Hybrid Social Learning Network. We propose mechanisms for interlinking and enhancing both the practice of professional learning and theories on informal learning. Our approach shows how we employ empirical and design work and a Participatory Pattern Workshop to move from (kernel) theories via Design Principles and prototypes to social machines articulating the notion of a HSLN. We illustrate this approach with the example of Help Seeking for healthcare professionals.

Source: Manual

Preferred by: Debbie Holley