Pharmacist prescribing in England: acting on history to address current challenges in pharmacy practice

Authors: Strickland-Hodge, B., Kennedy, M.C. and Baines, D.

Journal: Journal of Pharmacy Practice and Research

Volume: 48

Issue: 4

Pages: 372-376

ISSN: 1445-937X

DOI: 10.1002/jppr.1424


Historically, doctors prescribe and pharmacists dispense, but these clear lines are rapidly eroding. The view that pharmacists should work closely with general practitioners and hospital doctors is a reality: it is encouraged by surveys and major reports, such as that of Lord Carter. This shift is mediated by the need to balance the authority of doctors and patient safety with a shortage of doctors and a need to use the skills of pharmacists appropriately. As the population ages, more pharmacists, with the necessary skills and knowledge, will be required.

Source: Scopus

Pharmacist Prescribing in England: Acting on History to Address Current Challenges in Pharmacy Practice

Authors: Baines, D., Strickland-Hodge, B. and Kennedy, M.-C.

Journal: Journal of Pharmacy Practice and Research

Source: Manual