Beyond the leftward limit of the perceptual span: Parafoveal processing to the left of fixation in Chinese reading

Authors: Liu, W., Angele, B., Luo, C. and Li, X.

Journal: Attention, Perception, and Psychophysics

Volume: 80

Issue: 8

Pages: 1873-1878

eISSN: 1943-393X

ISSN: 1943-3921

DOI: 10.3758/s13414-018-1599-3


During reading, Chinese readers have been found to obtain useful visual information from one character to the left to three characters to the right of fixation. The perceptual span is asymmetrical, and its leftward extent seems to be limited compared with the rightward extent. We conducted an experiment to investigate whether Chinese readers could process written information beyond the leftward extent of the perceptual span. We did this by using a variation of the gaze-contingent display change paradigm (Rayner, Cognitive Psychology, 81, 65–81, 1975) in order to manipulate the parafoveal “postview” that was available to the left of where readers were fixating. Each sentence contained an invisible boundary. Once the readers’ eyes crossed the boundary, all of the characters to the left of the boundary except for one, two, or three characters directly to the left of the boundary were replaced with visually similar characters. The change lasted for only one single fixation, resulting in four different “postview” conditions including a control condition (n − 1, n − 2, n − 3, control). The results showed that, compared with the control condition, there were more regressions to the display change area immediately after readers’ eyes crossed the boundary in the n − 1, n − 2, and n − 3 conditions, demonstrating that readers can acquire information from the three characters to the left of fixation at least.

Source: Scopus

Beyond the leftward limit of the perceptual span: Parafoveal processing to the left of fixation in Chinese reading.

Authors: Liu, W., Angele, B., Luo, C. and Li, X.

Journal: Atten Percept Psychophys

Volume: 80

Issue: 8

Pages: 1873-1878

eISSN: 1943-393X

DOI: 10.3758/s13414-018-1599-3


During reading, Chinese readers have been found to obtain useful visual information from one character to the left to three characters to the right of fixation. The perceptual span is asymmetrical, and its leftward extent seems to be limited compared with the rightward extent. We conducted an experiment to investigate whether Chinese readers could process written information beyond the leftward extent of the perceptual span. We did this by using a variation of the gaze-contingent display change paradigm (Rayner, Cognitive Psychology, 81, 65-81, 1975) in order to manipulate the parafoveal "postview" that was available to the left of where readers were fixating. Each sentence contained an invisible boundary. Once the readers' eyes crossed the boundary, all of the characters to the left of the boundary except for one, two, or three characters directly to the left of the boundary were replaced with visually similar characters. The change lasted for only one single fixation, resulting in four different "postview" conditions including a control condition (n - 1, n - 2, n - 3, control). The results showed that, compared with the control condition, there were more regressions to the display change area immediately after readers' eyes crossed the boundary in the n - 1, n - 2, and n - 3 conditions, demonstrating that readers can acquire information from the three characters to the left of fixation at least.

Source: PubMed

Beyond the leftward limit of the perceptual span: Parafoveal processing to the left of fixation in Chinese reading

Authors: Liu, W., Angele, B., Luo, C. and Li, X.


Volume: 80

Issue: 8

Pages: 1873-1878

eISSN: 1943-393X

ISSN: 1943-3921

DOI: 10.3758/s13414-018-1599-3

Source: Web of Science (Lite)

Beyond the leftward limit of the perceptual span: Parafoveal processing to the left of fixation in Chinese reading

Authors: Liu, W., Angele, B., Luo, C. and Li, X.

Journal: Attention, Perception, and Psychophysics

Volume: 80

Issue: 8

Pages: 1873-1878

eISSN: 1943-393X

ISSN: 1943-3921

DOI: 10.3758/s13414-018-1599-3


© 2018, The Psychonomic Society, Inc. During reading, Chinese readers have been found to obtain useful visual information from one character to the left to three characters to the right of fixation. The perceptual span is asymmetrical, and its leftward extent seems to be limited compared with the rightward extent. We conducted an experiment to investigate whether Chinese readers could process written information beyond the leftward extent of the perceptual span. We did this by using a variation of the gaze-contingent display change paradigm (Rayner, Cognitive Psychology, 81, 65–81, 1975) in order to manipulate the parafoveal “postview” that was available to the left of where readers were fixating. Each sentence contained an invisible boundary. Once the readers’ eyes crossed the boundary, all of the characters to the left of the boundary except for one, two, or three characters directly to the left of the boundary were replaced with visually similar characters. The change lasted for only one single fixation, resulting in four different “postview” conditions including a control condition (n − 1, n − 2, n − 3, control). The results showed that, compared with the control condition, there were more regressions to the display change area immediately after readers’ eyes crossed the boundary in the n − 1, n − 2, and n − 3 conditions, demonstrating that readers can acquire information from the three characters to the left of fixation at least.

Source: Manual

Preferred by: Bernhard Angele

Beyond the leftward limit of the perceptual span: Parafoveal processing to the left of fixation in Chinese reading.

Authors: Liu, W., Angele, B., Luo, C. and Li, X.

Journal: Attention, perception & psychophysics

Volume: 80

Issue: 8

Pages: 1873-1878

eISSN: 1943-393X

ISSN: 1943-3921

DOI: 10.3758/s13414-018-1599-3


During reading, Chinese readers have been found to obtain useful visual information from one character to the left to three characters to the right of fixation. The perceptual span is asymmetrical, and its leftward extent seems to be limited compared with the rightward extent. We conducted an experiment to investigate whether Chinese readers could process written information beyond the leftward extent of the perceptual span. We did this by using a variation of the gaze-contingent display change paradigm (Rayner, Cognitive Psychology, 81, 65-81, 1975) in order to manipulate the parafoveal "postview" that was available to the left of where readers were fixating. Each sentence contained an invisible boundary. Once the readers' eyes crossed the boundary, all of the characters to the left of the boundary except for one, two, or three characters directly to the left of the boundary were replaced with visually similar characters. The change lasted for only one single fixation, resulting in four different "postview" conditions including a control condition (n - 1, n - 2, n - 3, control). The results showed that, compared with the control condition, there were more regressions to the display change area immediately after readers' eyes crossed the boundary in the n - 1, n - 2, and n - 3 conditions, demonstrating that readers can acquire information from the three characters to the left of fixation at least.

Source: Europe PubMed Central

Beyond the leftward limit of the perceptual span: Parafoveal processing to the left of fixation in Chinese reading.

Authors: Liu, W., Angele, B., Luo, C. and Li, X.

Journal: Attention, Perception, and Psychophysics

Volume: 80

Issue: 8

Pages: 1873-1878

ISSN: 1943-3921


During reading, Chinese readers have been found to obtain useful visual information from one character to the left to three characters to the right of fixation. The perceptual span is asymmetrical, and its leftward extent seems to be limited compared with the rightward extent. We conducted an experiment to investigate whether Chinese readers could process written information beyond the leftward extent of the perceptual span. We did this by using a variation of the gaze-contingent display change paradigm (Rayner, Cognitive Psychology, 81, 65-81, 1975) in order to manipulate the parafoveal "postview" that was available to the left of where readers were fixating. Each sentence contained an invisible boundary. Once the readers' eyes crossed the boundary, all of the characters to the left of the boundary except for one, two, or three characters directly to the left of the boundary were replaced with visually similar characters. The change lasted for only one single fixation, resulting in four different "postview" conditions including a control condition (n - 1, n - 2, n - 3, control). The results showed that, compared with the control condition, there were more regressions to the display change area immediately after readers' eyes crossed the boundary in the n - 1, n - 2, and n - 3 conditions, demonstrating that readers can acquire information from the three characters to the left of fixation at least.

Source: BURO EPrints