A Comparison of Warm and Combined Warm and Low-Temperature Processing Routes for the Equal-Channel Angular Pressing of Pure Titanium
Authors: Bulutsuz, A.G., Chrominski, W., Huang, Y., Kral, P., Yurci, M.E., Lewandowska, M. and Langdon, T.G.
Journal: Advanced Engineering Materials
Volume: 22
Issue: 2
eISSN: 1527-2648
ISSN: 1438-1656
DOI: 10.1002/adem.201900698
Abstract:Two different processing routes are used to investigate the microstructure and strength of commercial purity (CP) titanium of grade 4 processed by equal-channel angular pressing (ECAP). In the combined temperature (CT) route, the specimens are pressed at 723 K in the first pass and at 373 K in the second pass, but in the warm temperature (WT) route, the specimens are pressed through two passes at 723 K. Both routes lead to an inhomogeneous microstructure with an average grain size of ≈1.5 and ≈1.7 μm after the CT and WT routes, respectively. Both routes give improved strengthening and higher hardness, but the CT route with a lower temperature step gives the highest ultimate tensile strength of ≈790 MPa. The inclusion of a lower temperature processing step may be important for optimizing the strength of CP Ti for the use in medical implants.
Source: Scopus
A Comparison of Warm and Combined Warm and Low-Temperature Processing Routes for the Equal-Channel Angular Pressing of Pure Titanium
Authors: Bulutsuz, A.G., Chrominski, W., Huang, Y., Kral, P., Yurci, M.E., Lewandowska, M. and Langdon, T.G.
Volume: 22
Issue: 2
eISSN: 1527-2648
ISSN: 1438-1656
DOI: 10.1002/adem.201900698
Source: Web of Science (Lite)
A comparison of warm and combined warm and low temperature processing routes for the equal-channel angular pressing of pure titanium
Authors: Bulutsuz, A.G., Chrominski, W., Huang, Y., Kral, P., Yurci, M.E., Lewandowska, M. and Langdon, T.G.
Journal: Advanced Engineering Materials
Volume: 22
Issue: 2
Pages: 1900698(1)-1900698(2)
Publisher: Wiley-Blackwell
ISSN: 1438-1656
DOI: 10.1002/adem.201900698
Abstract:Two different processing routes were used to investigate the microstructure and strength of commercial purity (CP) titanium of grade 4 processed by equal-channel angular pressing (ECAP). In the combined temperature (CT) route the specimens were pressed at 723 K in the first pass and at 373 K in the second pass but in the warm temperature (WT) route the specimens were pressed through two passes at 723 K. Both routes led to an inhomogeneous microstructure with average grain sizes of ~1.5 and ~1.7 um after the CT and WT routes, respectively. Both routes gave improved strengthening and higher hardness but the CT route with a lower temperature step gave the highest ultimate tensile strength of ~790 MPa. The inclusion of a lower temperature processing step may be important for optimizing the strength of CP Ti for use in medical implants.
Source: Manual
Preferred by: Yi Huang
A comparison of warm and combined warm and low temperature processing routes for the equal-channel angular pressing of pure titanium.
Authors: Bulutsuz, A.G., Chrominski, W., Huang, Y., Kral, P., Yurci, M.E., Lewandowska, M. and Langdon, T.G.
Journal: Advanced Engineering Materials
Volume: 22
Issue: 2
ISSN: 1438-1656
Abstract:Two different processing routes were used to investigate the microstructure and strength of commercial purity (CP) titanium of grade 4 processed by equal-channel angular pressing (ECAP). In the combined temperature (CT) route the specimens were pressed at 723 K in the first pass and at 373 K in the second pass but in the warm temperature (WT) route the specimens were pressed through two passes at 723 K. Both routes led to an inhomogeneous microstructure with average grain sizes of ~1.5 and ~1.7 um after the CT and WT routes, respectively. Both routes gave improved strengthening and higher hardness but the CT route with a lower temperature step gave the highest ultimate tensile strength of ~790 MPa. The inclusion of a lower temperature processing step may be important for optimizing the strength of CP Ti for use in medical implants.
Source: BURO EPrints