The Effect of Passively Viewing a Consent Campaign Video on Attitudes Toward Rape

Authors: Rowe, E.M. and Hills, P.J.

Journal: Frontiers in Psychology

Volume: 11

eISSN: 1664-1078

DOI: 10.3389/fpsyg.2020.01741


Around 90% of rape victims know their perpetrator, making acquaintance rape the most common form of rape, contradicting societal beliefs. There is ambiguity about the meaning and use of consent in sexual scenarios (Beres, 2007). This study used a mixed methods approach to test the effectiveness of a campaign video aimed at increasing understanding of consent. We assessed whether the video affected rape judgments in vignettes depicting consensual or non-consensual sexual scenarios. We also manipulated whether making consent the primary or secondary question influenced attitudes. Text responses were also obtained to gain an insight into participant reasoning. The campaign showed no increase in rape judgments. Making consent primary in question order did lead to greater accuracy in rape judgment. A content analysis of the free-text responses indicated that the presence of the campaign actually reduced people’s use of consent in explaining why a scenario may represent rape: Instead they focused on the attractiveness of the attacker. These results are discussed in relation to the effectiveness of passively viewing campaign material.

Source: Scopus

The Effect of Passively Viewing a Consent Campaign Video on Attitudes Toward Rape.

Authors: Rowe, E.M. and Hills, P.J.

Journal: Front Psychol

Volume: 11

Pages: 1741

ISSN: 1664-1078

DOI: 10.3389/fpsyg.2020.01741


Around 90% of rape victims know their perpetrator, making acquaintance rape the most common form of rape, contradicting societal beliefs. There is ambiguity about the meaning and use of consent in sexual scenarios (Beres, 2007). This study used a mixed methods approach to test the effectiveness of a campaign video aimed at increasing understanding of consent. We assessed whether the video affected rape judgments in vignettes depicting consensual or non-consensual sexual scenarios. We also manipulated whether making consent the primary or secondary question influenced attitudes. Text responses were also obtained to gain an insight into participant reasoning. The campaign showed no increase in rape judgments. Making consent primary in question order did lead to greater accuracy in rape judgment. A content analysis of the free-text responses indicated that the presence of the campaign actually reduced people's use of consent in explaining why a scenario may represent rape: Instead they focused on the attractiveness of the attacker. These results are discussed in relation to the effectiveness of passively viewing campaign material.

Source: PubMed

The Effect of Passively Viewing a Consent Campaign Video on Attitudes Toward Rape

Authors: Rowe, E.M. and Hills, P.J.


Volume: 11

ISSN: 1664-1078

DOI: 10.3389/fpsyg.2020.01741

Source: Web of Science (Lite)

The Effect of Passively Viewing a Consent Campaign Video on Attitudes Toward Rape.

Authors: Rowe, E.M. and Hills, P.J.

Journal: Frontiers in psychology

Volume: 11

Pages: 1741

eISSN: 1664-1078

ISSN: 1664-1078

DOI: 10.3389/fpsyg.2020.01741


Around 90% of rape victims know their perpetrator, making acquaintance rape the most common form of rape, contradicting societal beliefs. There is ambiguity about the meaning and use of consent in sexual scenarios (Beres, 2007). This study used a mixed methods approach to test the effectiveness of a campaign video aimed at increasing understanding of consent. We assessed whether the video affected rape judgments in vignettes depicting consensual or non-consensual sexual scenarios. We also manipulated whether making consent the primary or secondary question influenced attitudes. Text responses were also obtained to gain an insight into participant reasoning. The campaign showed no increase in rape judgments. Making consent primary in question order did lead to greater accuracy in rape judgment. A content analysis of the free-text responses indicated that the presence of the campaign actually reduced people's use of consent in explaining why a scenario may represent rape: Instead they focused on the attractiveness of the attacker. These results are discussed in relation to the effectiveness of passively viewing campaign material.

Source: Europe PubMed Central

The Effect of Passively Viewing a Consent Campaign Video on Attitudes Toward Rape

Authors: Rowe, E.M. and Hills, P.J.

Journal: Frontiers in Psychology

Volume: 11

ISSN: 1664-1078


© Copyright © 2020 Rowe and Hills. Around 90% of rape victims know their perpetrator, making acquaintance rape the most common form of rape, contradicting societal beliefs. There is ambiguity about the meaning and use of consent in sexual scenarios (Beres, 2007). This study used a mixed methods approach to test the effectiveness of a campaign video aimed at increasing understanding of consent. We assessed whether the video affected rape judgments in vignettes depicting consensual or non-consensual sexual scenarios. We also manipulated whether making consent the primary or secondary question influenced attitudes. Text responses were also obtained to gain an insight into participant reasoning. The campaign showed no increase in rape judgments. Making consent primary in question order did lead to greater accuracy in rape judgment. A content analysis of the free-text responses indicated that the presence of the campaign actually reduced people’s use of consent in explaining why a scenario may represent rape: Instead they focused on the attractiveness of the attacker. These results are discussed in relation to the effectiveness of passively viewing campaign material.

Source: BURO EPrints