Sentencing explanations provided via judicial remarks made within the English magistrates’ youth court: Towards a better global understanding

Authors: Lowenstein, M.

Journal: Youth Justice

Volume: 22

Issue: 2

Pages: 189-205

eISSN: 1747-6283

ISSN: 1473-2254

DOI: 10.1177/14732254211004764


This article qualitatively explores the English judicial approach towards sentencing explanations via remarks made within the magistrates’ youth court. First, the extent of their correlation with the three known purposes behind sentencing explanations is considered within a wider introductory discussion. Second, judicial interviews provide new insights regarding the extent of their alignment with the introductory discussion by indicating degrees of correlation. Third, the English judicial approach towards sentencing explanations and the degrees of correlation are concluded upon. Finally, recommendations are made to assist in a better understanding of sentencing explanations globally, particularly in jurisdictions where their publication has increased.

Source: Scopus

Sentencing explanations provided via judicial remarks made within the English magistrates' youth court: Towards a better global understanding

Authors: Lowenstein, M.


Volume: 22

Issue: 2

Pages: 189-205

eISSN: 1747-6283

ISSN: 1473-2254

DOI: 10.1177/14732254211004764

Source: Web of Science (Lite)

Sentencing explanations provided via judicial remarks made within the English magistrates’ youth court: Towards a better global understanding

Authors: Lowenstein, M.

Journal: Youth Justice: an international journal

Pages: 1-17

Publisher: SAGE

ISSN: 1473-2254

Source: Manual

Sentencing explanations provided via judicial remarks made within the English magistrates’ youth court: Towards a better global understanding

Authors: Lowenstein, M.

Journal: Youth Justice

Volume: 22

Issue: 2

Pages: 189-205

ISSN: 1473-2254


This article qualitatively explores the English judicial approach towards sentencing explanations via remarks made within the magistrates’ youth court. First, the extent of their correlation with the three known purposes behind sentencing explanations is considered within a wider introductory discussion. Second, judicial interviews provide new insights regarding the extent of their alignment with the introductory discussion by indicating degrees of correlation. Third, the English judicial approach towards sentencing explanations and the degrees of correlation are concluded upon. Finally, recommendations are made to assist in a better understanding of sentencing explanations globally, particularly in jurisdictions where their publication has increased.

Source: BURO EPrints