Disagreement in FST estimators: A case study from sex chromosomes.

Authors: Gammerdinger, W.J., Toups, M.A. and Vicoso, B.

Journal: Mol Ecol Resour

Volume: 20

Issue: 6

Pages: 1517-1525

eISSN: 1755-0998

DOI: 10.1111/1755-0998.13210


Sewall Wright developed FST for describing population differentiation and it has since been extended to many novel applications, including the detection of homomorphic sex chromosomes. However, there has been confusion regarding the expected estimate of FST for a fixed difference between the X- and Y-chromosome when comparing males and females. Here, we attempt to resolve this confusion by contrasting two common FST estimators and explain why they yield different estimates when applied to the case of sex chromosomes. We show that this difference is true for many allele frequencies, but the situation characterized by fixed differences between the X- and Y-chromosome is among the most extreme. To avoid additional confusion, we recommend that all authors using FST clearly state which estimator of FST their work uses.

Source: PubMed

Disagreement in<i>F</i><sub>ST</sub>estimators: A case study from sex chromosomes

Authors: Gammerdinger, W.J., Toups, M.A. and Vicoso, B.


Volume: 20

Issue: 6

Pages: 1517-1525

eISSN: 1755-0998

ISSN: 1755-098X

DOI: 10.1111/1755-0998.13210

Source: Web of Science (Lite)

Disagreement in FST estimators: A case study from sex chromosomes

Authors: Gammerdinger, W.J., Toups, M.A. and Vicoso, B.

Journal: Molecular Ecology Resources

Issue: 20

Pages: 1517-1525

Publisher: Wiley-Blackwell

ISSN: 1471-8278

Source: Manual

Disagreement in F<sub>ST</sub> estimators: A case study from sex chromosomes.

Authors: Gammerdinger, W.J., Toups, M.A. and Vicoso, B.

Journal: Molecular ecology resources

Volume: 20

Issue: 6

Pages: 1517-1525

eISSN: 1755-0998

ISSN: 1755-098X

DOI: 10.1111/1755-0998.13210


Sewall Wright developed FST for describing population differentiation and it has since been extended to many novel applications, including the detection of homomorphic sex chromosomes. However, there has been confusion regarding the expected estimate of FST for a fixed difference between the X- and Y-chromosome when comparing males and females. Here, we attempt to resolve this confusion by contrasting two common FST estimators and explain why they yield different estimates when applied to the case of sex chromosomes. We show that this difference is true for many allele frequencies, but the situation characterized by fixed differences between the X- and Y-chromosome is among the most extreme. To avoid additional confusion, we recommend that all authors using FST clearly state which estimator of FST their work uses.

Source: Europe PubMed Central