‘Mind the (virtual) Gap’: A Critical Analysis of UK and Japanese Copyright law relating to the metaverse (forthcoming)

Authors: Mendis, D. and Ueno, T.

Journal: IIC International Review of Intellectual Property and Competition Law

Publisher: Springer Nature

ISSN: 0018-9855


Exploring the copyright implications relating to the metaverse, this paper firstly introduces the concept of the metaverse and its status, before moving on to consider some of the copyright implications relating to it. Focusing primarily on the law of UK, whilst comparing it to the law of Japan, the paper will take an insight into the copyright issues relating to the metaverse. In doing so, the paper outlines some of the aspects that need addressing in the coming years and question whether the current copyright law is fit-for-purpose in its application to the metaverse or whether it needs a review and revision. As such, this paper presents new paradigms for consideration, drawing upon the legal foundations of these two countries, before concluding with some thoughts for the future.

Source: Manual