Quasiperiodic light

Authors: Frazer, L., Mercier, T.M., Krishnan, C., Xu, Z., Liu, A.C.Y., Yuan, G., Kong, J., Lagoudakis, P.G., Charlton, M.D.B. and Funston, A.M.

Journal: Optics Letters

Volume: 47

Issue: 14

Pages: 3556-3559

eISSN: 1539-4794

ISSN: 0146-9592

DOI: 10.1364/OL.461613


Quasiperiodicity is a form of spatial order that has been observed in quasicrystalline matter but not light. We construct a quasicrystalline surface out of a light emitting diode. Using a nanoscale waveguide as a microscope (NSOM), we directly image the light field at the surface of the diode. Here we show, using reciprocal space representations of the images, that the light field is quasiperiodic. We explain the structure of the light field with wave superposition. Periodic ordering is limited to at most six-fold symmetry. The light field exhibits 12-fold quasisymmetry, showing order while disproving periodicity. This demonstrates that a new class, consisting of projections from hyperspace, exists in the taxonomy of light ordering.

Source: Scopus

Quasiperiodic light.

Authors: Frazer, L., Mercier, T.M., Krishnan, C., Xu, Z., Liu, A.C.Y., Yuan, G., Kong, J., Lagoudakis, P.G., Charlton, M.D.B. and Funston, A.M.

Journal: Opt Lett

Volume: 47

Issue: 14

Pages: 3556-3559

eISSN: 1539-4794

DOI: 10.1364/OL.461613


Quasiperiodicity is a form of spatial order that has been observed in quasicrystalline matter but not light. We construct a quasicrystalline surface out of a light emitting diode. Using a nanoscale waveguide as a microscope (NSOM), we directly image the light field at the surface of the diode. Here we show, using reciprocal space representations of the images, that the light field is quasiperiodic. We explain the structure of the light field with wave superposition. Periodic ordering is limited to at most six-fold symmetry. The light field exhibits 12-fold quasisymmetry, showing order while disproving periodicity. This demonstrates that a new class, consisting of projections from hyperspace, exists in the taxonomy of light ordering.

Source: PubMed

Quasiperiodic light

Authors: Frazer, L., Mercier, T.M., Krishnan, C., Xu, Z., Liu, A.C.Y., Yuan, G., Kong, J., Lagoudakis, P.G., Charlton, M.D.B. and Funston, A.M.


Volume: 47

Issue: 14

Pages: 3556-3559

eISSN: 1539-4794

ISSN: 0146-9592

DOI: 10.1364/OL.461613

Source: Web of Science (Lite)

Quasiperiodic light.

Authors: Frazer, L., Mercier, T.M., Krishnan, C., Xu, Z., Liu, A.C.Y., Yuan, G., Kong, J., Lagoudakis, P.G., Charlton, M.D.B. and Funston, A.M.

Journal: Optics letters

Volume: 47

Issue: 14

Pages: 3556-3559

eISSN: 1539-4794

ISSN: 0146-9592

DOI: 10.1364/ol.461613


Quasiperiodicity is a form of spatial order that has been observed in quasicrystalline matter but not light. We construct a quasicrystalline surface out of a light emitting diode. Using a nanoscale waveguide as a microscope (NSOM), we directly image the light field at the surface of the diode. Here we show, using reciprocal space representations of the images, that the light field is quasiperiodic. We explain the structure of the light field with wave superposition. Periodic ordering is limited to at most six-fold symmetry. The light field exhibits 12-fold quasisymmetry, showing order while disproving periodicity. This demonstrates that a new class, consisting of projections from hyperspace, exists in the taxonomy of light ordering.

Source: Europe PubMed Central

The data on this page was last updated at 06:10 on June 25, 2024.