Micro and Nano-plastic particles: What are they and do they effect cardiovascular health?

Authors: Banerjee, I., Robinson, J., Sathian, B., van Teijlingen, E.R., Roy, B. and Singh, A.P.


Volume: 14

Issue: 1

Pages: 1298-1301

ISSN: 2091-0800

DOI: 10.3126/nje.v14i1.64183


Source: Web of Science (Lite)

Micro and Nano-plastic particles: What are they and do they effect cardiovascular health?

Authors: Banerjee, I., Robinson, J., Sathian, B., van Teijlingen, E., Roy, B. and Singh, A.

Journal: Nepal Journal of Epidemiology

Volume: 14

Issue: 1

Pages: 1298-1301

Publisher: International Nepal Epidemiological Association (INEA)

ISSN: 2091-0800

DOI: 10.3126/nje.v14i1.64183


This editorial in an epidemiology journal highlights how we are damaging the planet and out health with small plastic particles we have dumped in our environment.


Source: Manual

Micro and Nano-plastic particles: What are they and do they effect cardiovascular health?

Authors: Banerjee, I., Robinson, J., Sathian, B., van Teijlingen, E.R., Roy, B. and Singh, A.P.

Journal: Nepal Journal of Epidemiology

Volume: 14

Issue: 1

Pages: 1298-1301

Publisher: International Nepal Epidemiological Association (INEA)

ISSN: 2091-0800


This editorial in an epidemiology journal highlights how we are damaging the planet and out health with small plastic particles we have dumped in our environment.


Source: BURO EPrints