Market-Sensing Capability, Innovativeness, Brand Management Systems, Market Dynamism, Competitive Intensity, and Performance: an Integrative Review
Authors: Bayighomog Likoum, S.W., Shamout, M.D., Harazneh, I. and Abubakar, A.M.
Journal: Journal of the Knowledge Economy
Volume: 11
Issue: 2
Pages: 593-613
eISSN: 1868-7873
ISSN: 1868-7865
DOI: 10.1007/s13132-018-0561-x
Abstract:This article reviewed existing strategic management and marketing literature, and then proposes a framework that links market-sensing capability, firm innovativeness, brand management systems, and firm performance. Drawing on resource based theory (RBT) and dynamic capability theory, a framework that proffers firm innovativeness and brand management systems as mediators in the relationship between market-sensing capability and firm performance, this paper proposes the moderating role of environmental factors (i.e., competitive intensity and market dynamism) on the relationship between firm innovativeness and firm performance, and brand management systems and firm performance. A set of propositions that represent an empirically driven research agenda are presented.
Source: Scopus
Market-Sensing Capability, Innovativeness, Brand Management Systems, Market Dynamism, Competitive Intensity, and Performance: an Integrative Review
Authors: Bayighomog Likoum, S.W., Shamout, M.D., Harazneh, I. and Abubakar, A.M.
Volume: 11
Issue: 2
Pages: 593-613
eISSN: 1868-7873
ISSN: 1868-7865
DOI: 10.1007/s13132-018-0561-x
Source: Web of Science (Lite)