Developing perceptions of competence during practice learning
Authors: Parker, J.
Journal: British Journal of Social Work
Volume: 36
Issue: 6
Pages: 1017-1036
eISSN: 1468-263X
ISSN: 0045-3102
DOI: 10.1093/bjsw/bch347
Abstract:Practice learning is central to the changes in social work education in the UK but the evidence-base indicating why this should be has not been rigorously examined. Studies of effectiveness conducted to date centre predominantly on the satisfaction of participants, relationships between teachers, supervisors or fieldwork educators and students, educational opportunities and developing aspects of competence. This paper explores the concept of perceived self-belief or self-efficacy as an indicator of development of competence during practice learning, examining whether self-beliefs in student competency do increase during placement and considering how this might be harnessed to enhance the experience and effectiveness of it. Findings from the study described indicate that student perceptions of competence in relation to particular future performance do increase from pre- to post-test during practice learning, suggesting that practice is effective in this respect and the concept of self-belief can be utilized to challenge and extend student competence or identify areas for further work and development. However, the mechanisms by which these perceptions develop are not clear and further research into practice learning is warranted given the prominence accorded to it in social work education. © The Author 2005. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of The British Association of Social Workers. All rights reserved.
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