Penelope Wells

Penelope Wells

  • pwells at bournemouth dot ac dot uk
  • PGR
  • Humanities and Law
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Penelope is a PhD student researcher in the Faculty Of Media and Communications at Bournemouth University. Her focus is climate change narrative in contemporary fictional and non-fictional text. Her qualitative research incorporates literary, sociological and political analyses, and she had designed a socio-political framework within which to deconstruct text. She also interviews contemporary authors of Cli-Fi, Dystopian, Apocalyptic, Eco-horror and Thrutopian fictional genres. Passive approaches to climate disaster, such as affect theory, are also considered. She has an M.A. in Creative Writing, from Chichester University. As a social science undergraduate at Aberdeen University, she studied women in peace processes and took up the role of Secretary of the UN Association, Aberdeen. She writes and performs songs, and has written and presented creative writing shows on local radio.

This research, and her unique approach, align with the International Panel on Climate Change Mitigation report (2022), notably the social and gendered aspects in Chapter 5, and with the UN Sustainable Development Goals, notably SDG 5 (Gender equality – Targets 1, 5, 7, 8 and 9), SDG 13 (Climate Action – Targets 1, 2 and 3) and SDG 16 (Peace, justice and strong institutions – Targets 6 and 7).