Quality of Care for People living with HIV/AIDS in Lothian

Authors: Huby, G.O., van Teijlingen, E., Porter, M. and Bury, J.

Publisher: University of Edinburgh

Place of Publication: Edinburgh, Scotland


Quality of Care for People Living with HIV/AIDS in Lothian (Scotland) is an action research project concerned with care in the community and coordination of services. A study has been conducted about arrangements on discharge from hospital and follow-up in the community for people with HIV or AIDS. OBJECTIVE: The study aimed to establish gaps and overlaps in community-based service provision as well as issues of co-ordination of care and support. METHODS: Respondents were recruited on discharge during a four-month period from 2 Edinburgh hospitals. They were asked to keep a diary of service use for four weeks after coming home. Weekly diaries were posted together with reply paid envelopes. Diaries included questions on service use (formal and informal), co-ordination of care and user satisfaction with services. In addition, a short questionnaire about co-ordination and liaison of services was administered to those service providers mentioned in the diaries. RESULTS: Will be presented. Issues brought up include (1) social welfare benefits, (2) co-ordination between hospitals and family doctors, (3) co-ordination between voluntary organisations and statutory and non-statutory organisations.

Source: Manual

Preferred by: Edwin van Teijlingen