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I am a PhD researcher at Bournemouth University, School of Tourism. My research focuses on leveraging legacy outcomes of mega sport events. I am exploring stakeholders’ perceptions of the planning process associated with leveraging legacy outcomes of mega sport events, and evaluating the factors contributing to the leveraging process in different host destinations. In the School of Tourism, I also served as a Guest Lecturer (PT) for Events Management Course (Undergraduate and Master Levels) during the academic years 2011-2012 and 2012-2013.

Prior to my move to the UK in 2008, I was highly involved in the Syrian Sport and Tourism industries between 2000 and 2008, as well as holding a lecturing position between 2005-2008 at the Department of Sport Management, Faculty of Physical Education, Tishreen University.

I hold an MSc (Merit) in Sport Management from Bournemouth University, School of Services Management, with a focus on the Planning for Sport Tourism in Developing Countries. I also hold a Bachelor’s (Distinction) in Physical Education and Sport from the Department of Sport Management, Tishreen University in Syria.