The Derivation of a pragmatic requirements framework for web development.
Authors: Jeary, S.
Conference: Bournemouth University; School of Design, Engineering & Computing
Abstract:Web-based development is a relatively immature area of Software Engineering, producing often complex applications to many different types of end user and stakeholders. Web Engineering as a research area, was created to introduce processes that enable web based development to be repeatable and to avoid potential failure in the fast changing landscape that is the current ubiquitous Internet. A survey of existing perspectives from the literature highlights a number of points. Firstly, that web development has a number of subtle differences to Software Engineering and that many web development methods are not used. Further, that there has been little work done on what should be in a web development method. A full survey of 50 web development methods finds that they do not give enough detail to be used in their entirety; they are difficult for a non-computer scientist to understand in the techniques they use and most do not cover the lifecycle, particularly in the area of requirements, implementation and testing. This thesis introduces a requirements framework for novice web developers. It is created following an in-depth case study carried out over two years that investigates the use of web development methods by novice developers. The study finds that web development methods are not easy to understand, there is a lack of explanation as to how to use the techniques within the method and the language used is too complex. A high level method is derived with an iterative process and with the requirements phase in the form of a framework; it addresses the problems that are discussed and provides excellent support for a novice web developer in the requirements phase of the lifecycle. An evaluation of the method using a group of novice developers who reflect on the method and a group who use it for development finds that the method is both easy to understand and use.
Source: Manual
Preferred by: Sherry Jeary
The Derivation of a pragmatic requirements framework for web development.
Authors: Jeary, S.
Conference: Bournemouth University
Abstract:Web-based development is a relatively immature area of Software Engineering, producing often complex applications to many different types of end user and stakeholders. Web Engineering as a research area, was created to introduce processes that enable web based development to be repeatable and to avoid potential failure in the fast changing landscape that is the current ubiquitous Internet. A survey of existing perspectives from the literature highlights a number of points. Firstly, that web development has a number of subtle differences to Software Engineering and that many web development methods are not used. Further, that there has been little work done on what should be in a web development method. A full survey of 50 web development methods finds that they do not give enough detail to be used in their entirety; they are difficult for a non-computer scientist to understand in the techniques they use and most do not cover the lifecycle, particularly in the area of requirements, implementation and testing. This thesis introduces a requirements framework for novice web developers. It is created following an in-depth case study carried out over two years that investigates the use of web development methods by novice developers. The study finds that web development methods are not easy to understand, there is a lack of explanation as to how to use the techniques within the method and the language used is too complex. A high level method is derived with an iterative process and with the requirements phase in the form of a framework; it addresses the problems that are discussed and provides excellent support for a novice web developer in the requirements phase of the lifecycle. An evaluation of the method using a group of novice developers who reflect on the method and a group who use it for development finds that the method is both easy to understand and use.
Source: BURO EPrints