Intermedial Interference in Electroacoustic Audiovisual Composition: An Investigation into Combining, Integrating, and Fusing Sound and the Moving Image. A Portfolio of Audiovisual Compositions
Authors: Chiaramonte, A.
Conference: Bournemouth University, Faculty of Media and Communication
Abstract:This doctoral research is a practice-based investigation into Intermedial Interference in electroacoustic audiovisual composition, which aims to explore combining, integrating, and fusing sound and the moving image to shape the final artefact. The research is grounded within the broader artistic practice category of intermedial arts, where creativity is not restricted to the use of sound to accompany the moving image but actively explores the interaction, combination, mutual influence, and interconnection between many different media in a time-based medial form of expression. The exegesis discusses a Portfolio of six audiovisual compositions that illustrate the development of intermedial compositional strategies based on the application of the intermedial interference concept. The compositions’ sound properties are those of electroacoustic music with a musique concrète approach, while the visual imagery is abstracted from reality. The research aims to explore the boundaries, intersections, and the interference between non-narrative moving images and electroacoustic music in an intermedial creative context. An autoethnographic approach is employed to present, contextualise, and critically discuss the creative process and findings of this practice- based research. Ultimately, this research seeks to provide new insights into intermedial audiovisual composition practice and create novel and valuable opportunities for composers active in the audiovisual domain to explore intermedial thinking.
Source: Manual