Hugh Chignell

Professor Hugh Chignell

  • Emeritus Professor
  • Weymouth House W409, Talbot Campus, Fern Barrow, Poole, BH12 5BB
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I am Professor of Media History at Bournemouth University and I coordinate the History Research Group and lecture on B.A. History. My main interest and expertise is the history of radio and I have in recent years moved from a particular focus on radio news and current affairs to the study of radio drama. I tend to focus on the work of one writer or producer (for example Sam Hanna Bell, Louis MacNeice, Samuel Beckett, Giles Cooper) but I have also attempted more over arching or theoretical commentaries on broadcasting (see my list of publications). I am an active and founding member of EMHIS, the European network around 'Entangled Media Histories' and accept the case for a more transnational approach to media history. My history of post-war British radio drama was published in 2019 by Bloomsbury Academic and I am now researching a biography of Lance Sieveking with the American modernist academic, Todd Avery.

I am currently supervising 4 PhD students and regularly examine PhDs.
