Management Responses to Online Reviews: Consumer Preferences of Action Frames and Language Style

Authors: Bendaraviciute, A., Wassler, P., Nguyen, T.H.H. and Thomas, S.

Journal: Tourism Analysis

Publisher: Cognizant Communication Corporation

ISSN: 1083-5423

DOI: 10.3727/108354220X15958123949919


This study was taken as the understanding of management responses remains scarcely understood in theory and practice, especially concerning consumer preferences. This study aims at examining consumer preferences of the action frames and language styles adopted in hotel management responses to online reviews. A multi-method approach, using discrete choice experiments followed by in-depth interviews, was employed. Findings show that past action frames in management responses are preferred by customers due to the certainty, trustworthiness and detailed information provided. Moreover, literal is favoured over figurative language style due to perceived professionalism and conciseness. The current study helps hotel management to further understand consumer preferences of management responses to online reviews, especially regarding action frames and language styles.

Source: Manual