I have a background in Palaeolithic Archaeology and spent six years working as a field archaeologist. I have also worked in archaeology for local government. My current research interests include climate and environmental impact on human and animal dispersal, temporally and geographically.
I am currently researching a PhD entitled 'The Ecology of Chickens'. The study is funded by Bournemouth University and is part of the AHRC-funded "Cultural and Scientific Perceptions of Human-Chicken Interactions" project, led by Mark Maltby.
I am investigating the spread of the domestic fowl across Western Europe after the Bronze Age, with specific reference to the effect of climate, environment and cultural impacts on their dispersal, and, in turn, the effect of the chicken on its environment.
Journal Articles
- Pitt, J., Gillingham, P.K., Maltby, M., Stafford, R. and Stewart, J.R., 2019. Changing cultures, changing environments: A novel means of investigating the effects of introducing non-native species into past ecosystems. Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports, 23, 1066-1075.
- Pitt, J., Gillingham, P.K., Maltby, M. and Stewart, J.R., 2016. New perspectives on the ecology of early domestic fowl: An interdisciplinary approach. Journal of Archaeological Science, 74, 1-10.
- pitt, 2017. The ecology of chickens: an examination of the introduction of the domestic chicken across Europe after the Bronze Age. PhD Thesis. Bournemouth University, Faculty of Science and Technology.
- MA in Palaeolithic Archaeology and Human Origins (University of Southampton, 2006)
- BA (Hons) in English/History (joint) (University of York, 1999)
- Association for Environmental Archaeology, Member (2014-),
- British Ecological Society, Member (2014-),
Website Links
- AHRC funded project: Changing Cultural and Scientific Perspectives of Human-Chicken Interactions,