Small Voice

Authors: Davis, T. and Ward, N.


The internet has enabled a democratisation and decentralisation of knowledge. The proliferation of online communities has created echo-chambers where our beliefs and opinions are reinforced but rarely challenged. Opaque algorithms proposition us, guiding our reading and watching, shaping our opinions in subtle ways. “Truth” in these scenarios becomes a subjective, socially constructed concept supported by misinformation and lies. This work explores this notion of truth by focusing on the unfolding climate crisis. Through an embodied exploration within the sonic lab we invite you to navigate differing responses and your own inner consciousness.

Source: Manual

Small Voice

Authors: Davis, T. and Ward, N.


The internet has enabled a democratisation and decentralisation of knowledge. The proliferation of online communities has created echo-chambers where our beliefs and opinions are reinforced but rarely challenged. Opaque algorithms proposition us, guiding our reading and watching, shaping our opinions in subtle ways. “Truth” in these scenarios becomes a subjective, socially constructed concept supported by misinformation and lies. This work explores this notion of truth by focusing on the unfolding climate crisis. Through an embodied exploration within the sonic lab we invite you to navigate differing responses and your own inner consciousness.

Source: BURO EPrints