Encyclopedia of Archaeology: Cemeteries and Necropoleis

Authors: Hanson, I.

Editors: Nikita, E. and Rehren, T.

Volume: volume 2B

Pages: 102-115

Publisher: Academic Press

ISBN: 9780323918565

DOI: 10.1016/B978-0-323-90799-6.00217-2


Cemeteries and necropoleis provide a substantial body of archaeological material for analysis, allowing interpretation of past cultures. How communities disposed of their dead provides insight into individual lives and social organization. The global breadth of funerary processes revealed by excavation is vast, from the Palaeolithic to recent urban cemeteries. Evolution of technical analyses has expanded what is revealed by excavation and examination, refining interpretation, allowing re-assessment of records and curated collections. Evolution of ethical considerations concerning human remains has helped find a balance between benefits to science and accommodation of the rights of the dead and their descendants.


Source: Manual