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Dr Ian Hanson

  • Senior Research Fellow
  • PH
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Ian Hanson was Deputy Director and consultant for the International Commission on Missing Persons (ICMP) 2009-2017. He directed the Archaeology and Anthropology Division, responsible for managing operations and developing the scientific process of investigating missing persons and war crimes.

He has 26 years of archaeological and investigation experience, spending more than 16,000 hours on excavations and supervising and managing field investigations. Since 1997 he has undertaken human rights, disaster and forensic investigations as a consultant for the UNICTY, UNDPKO, FCO, ICMP, governments and other agencies in the Balkans, Middle East and Africa.

Since 2002 he has been lecturing at Bournemouth University, publishing and developing excavation methods, forensic scene recovery and management strategies for human rights, mass grave investigations and disaster response. Leading forensic archaeology and anthropology MSc degrees from 2008-2010 as Senior Lecturer, and supervising PhD students to completion, he is now Research Fellow...


Journal Articles

  • Hanson, I. and Fenn, J., 2024. A review of the contributions of forensic archaeology and anthropology to the process of disaster victim identification. Journal of Forensic Sciences.
  • Hanson, I., 2023. Mass Graves: The Forensic Investigation of the Deaths, Destruction and Deletion of Communities and Their Heritage. Historic Environment: Policy and Practice, 14 (3), 359-401.
  • Dussault, M.C., Hanson, I. and Smith, M.J., 2017. Blast injury prevalence in skeletal remains: Are there differences between Bosnian war samples and documented combat-related deaths? Science and Justice, 57 (6), 439-447.
  • Evis, L.H., Hanson, I. and Cheetham, P.N., 2016. An experimental study of two grave excavation methods: Arbitrary Level Excavation and Stratigraphic Excavation. Science and Technology of Archaeological Research, 2 (2), 177-191.
  • Dussault, M.C., Smith, M. and Hanson, I., 2016. Evaluation of trauma patterns in blast injuries using multiple correspondence analysis. Forensic Science International, 267, 66-72.
  • Nakhaeizadeh, S., Hanson, I. and Dozzi, N., 2014. The power of contextual effects in forensic anthropology: A study of biasability in the visual interpretations of trauma analysis on skeletal remains. Journal of Forensic Sciences, 59 (5), 1177-1183.
  • Butt, K.R., Lowe, C.N., Beasley, T., Hanson, I. and Keynes, R., 2008. Darwin's earthworms revisited. European Journal of Soil Biology, 44 (3), 255-259.
  • Hanson, I., 2007. Psycho-Social Issues in Forensic Archaeology in the Disturbing Past: Does your Research Give you Nightmares? Archaeological Review from Cambridge, 22 (2).
  • Hanson, I.D., 2004. The importance of stratigraphy in forensic investigation. Geological Society Special Publication, 232, 39-47.


  • Hanson, I., 2023. Encyclopedia of Archaeology: Cemeteries and Necropoleis. Academic Press.
  • The Scientific Investigation of Mass Graves: Towards Protocols and Standard Operating Procedures. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.


  • Hanson, I., 2023. Anatomy of a grave: The Kozluk excavations as an exemplar of a successful mass grave investigation. Mass Graves, Truth and Justice. 50-79.
  • Hanson, I., Klinkner, M., Cheetham, P. and Mickleburgh, H.L., 2022. Mass Graves. Encyclopedia of Forensic Sciences: Volume 1-4, Third Edition. 452-463.
  • Hanson, 2016. Wright, R and Hanson, I. (2016). Working as an Archaeologist for Large Organisations Like the United Nations. In: Blau, S. and Ubelaker, D.H., eds. Handbook of Forensic Archaeology and Anthropology. Second Edition. Left Coast Press. Handbook of Forensic Anthropology and Archaeology, Second Edition. Left Coast Press.
  • Hanson, 2016. Cheetham, P. and Hanson, I. (2016). Excavation and Recovery in Forensic Archaeological Investigations. In: Blau, S. and Ubelaker, D.H., eds. Handbook of Forensic Archaeology and Anthropology. Second Edition. Walnut Creek, California, USA: Left Coast Press. Handbook of Forensic Anthropology and Archaeology. Left Coast Press.
  • Hanson, 2016. Hanson, I, Holliday, M, Sullivan, K, Bomberger, K and Parsons, T. (2016). ICMP and the application of forensic archaeology and anthropology to identifying the missing. In: Blau, S. and Ubelaker, D.H., eds. Handbook of Forensic Archaeology and Anthropology. Second Edition. Walnut Creek, California, USA: Left Coast Press (in press). Handbook of Forensic Anthropology and Archaeology. Left Coast Press.
  • Cheetham, P.N. and Hanson, I., 2016. Excavation and recovery in forensic archaeological investigations. Handbook of Forensic Anthropology and Archaeology. 181-194.
  • Hanson, I., 2016. Mass grave investigation and identifying missing persons: Challenges and innovations in archaeology and anthropology in the context of mass death environments. Handbook of Missing Persons. 491-514.
  • Wright, R. and Hanson, I., 2016. How to do forensic archaeology under the auspices of the United Nations and other large organizations. Handbook of Forensic Anthropology and Archaeology. 607-621.
  • Hanson, I., Holliday, M., Sullivan, K., Bomberger, K. and Parsons, T., 2016. The international commission on missing persons (icmp) and the application of forensic archaeology and anthropology to identifying the missing. Handbook of Forensic Anthropology and Archaeology. 660-671.
  • Hanson, 2015. Hanson, I (2015) Forensic Archaeology and the International Commission on Missing Persons (ICMP): Setting Standards in an Integrated Process. In M Groen, N Márquez-Grant and R Janaway (Eds) Forensic Archaeology: Global Perspectives. Wiley-Blackwell. (in press). Forensic Archaeology A Global Perspective. John Wiley & Sons.
  • Hanson, 2015. Hanson, I, Rizviç, A and Parsons, T (2015). Bosnia and Herzegovina: Forensic archaeology in support of national and international organizations undertaking criminal investigations and identifying the missing 1996-2013. In M Groen, N Márquez-Grant and R Janaway (Eds) Forensic Archaeology: Global Perspectives. Wiley-Blackwell. Forensic Archaeology A Global Perspective. John Wiley & Sons.
  • Hines, D.Z.C., Vennemeyer, M., Amory, S., Huel, R.L.M., Hanson, I., Katzmarzyk, C. and Parsons, T.J., 2014. Prioritized Sampling of Bone and Teeth for DNA Analysis in Commingled Cases. Commingled Human Remains: Methods in Recovery, Analysis, and Identification. 275-305.
  • Hanson, 2014. Hines, D, Venemeyer, M, Amory, S, Huel, R, Hanson, I, Katzmarzyk, C, Parsons, T (2014) Prioritized Sampling of Bone and Teeth for DNA Analysis. In B J Adams and J E Byrd (Eds). Recovery, Analysis, and Identification of Commingled Human Remains. Second Edition. Totowa, New Jersey. Humana Press. Commingled Human Remains Methods in Recovery, Analysis, and Identification. Academic Press.
  • Hanson, I., 2014. Forensic Archaeology and the International Commission on Missing Persons: Setting Standards in an Integrated Process. Forensic Archaeology: A Global Perspective. 415-425.
  • Hanson, I., Rizviç, A. and Parsons, T.J., 2014. Bosnia and Herzegovina: Forensic Archaeology in Support of National and International Organisations Undertaking Criminal Investigations and Identifying the Missing from 1996 to 2013. Forensic Archaeology: A Global Perspective. 19-31.
  • Hanson, I., Djohari, J., Orr, J., Furphy, P., Hodgson, C., Cox, G. and Broadbridge, G., 2009. New observations on the interactions between evidence and the upper horizons of the soil. Criminal and Environmental Soil Forensics. 239-251.
  • Hanson and cheetham, P., 2009. Cheetham, P. and Hanson, I. (2009). Excavation and Recovery in Forensic Archaeological Investigations. In: Blau, S. and Ubelaker, D.H., eds. Handbook of Forensic Archaeology and Anthropology. Walnut Creek, California, USA: Left Coast Press. Handbook of Forensic Anthropology and Archaeology. Left Coast Press.
  • Hanson, 2009. Wright, R and Hanson, I. (2009). Working as an Archaeologist for Large Organisations Like the United Nations. In: Blau, S. and Ubelaker, D.H., eds. Handbook of Forensic Archaeology and Anthropology. Left Coast Press. Handbook of Forensic Anthropology and Archaeology. left coast press.
  • Hanson, 2008. Anderson, A., Cox, M., Flavel, A., Hanson, I., Hedley, M., Laver, J., Perman, A., Viner, M. and Wright, R., (2008). Protocols for the Investigation of Mass Graves. In: Cox, M., Flavel, A., Hanson, I., Laver, J. and Wessling, R., eds. The Scientific Investigation of Mass Graves: Towards Protocols and Standard Operating Procedures. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp. 39-108. The Scientific Investigation of Mass Graves Towards Protocols and Standard Operating Procedures. Cambridge University Press.
  • Hanson, 2008. Cheetham, P., Cox, M., Flavel, A., Hanson, I., Haynie, T., Oxlee, D. and Wessling, R., (2008). Search, Location, Excavation and Recovery. In: Cox, M., Flavel, A., Hanson, I., Laver, J. and Wessling, R., eds. The Scientific Investigation of Mass Graves: Towards Protocols and Standard Operating Procedures. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp. 183-267. The Scientific Investigation of Mass Graves Towards Protocols and Standard Operating Procedures. Cambridge University Press.
  • Hanson, 2008. Cox, M., Flavel, A. and Hanson, I., (2008). Introduction and Context. In: Cox, M., Flavel, A., Hanson, I., Laver, J. and Wessling, R., eds. The Scientific Investigation of Mass Graves: Towards Protocols and Standard Operating Procedures. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp. 1-38. The Scientific Investigation of Mass Graves Towards Protocols and Standard Operating Procedures. Cambridge University Press.
  • Hanson, 2008. Hanson, I., (2008). Approaches to International Investigations. In: Oxenham, M., ed. Forensic Approaches to Death, Disaster and Abuse. Australian Academic Press. Forensic Approaches to Death, Disaster and Abuse. Australian Academic Press.
  • Anderson, A., Cox, M., Flavel, A., Hanson, I., Hedley, M., Laver, J., Perman, A., Viner, M. and Wright, R., 2007. Protocols for the Investigation of Mass Graves. In: Wessling, R., ed. The Scientific Investigation of Mass Graves: Towards Protocols and Standard Operating Procedures. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 39-108.
  • Wright, R., Hanson, I. and Sterenberg, J., 2005. The archaeology of mass graves. Forensic Archaeology: Advances in Theory and Practice. 137-158.


  • Hanson, 2015. Fenn, J, Hines D Z C, Hanson, I (2014) Building Standards and Capacity to Investigate Mass Graves in Iraq: Requirements and Challenges. Proceedings of the American Academy of Forensic Sciences. February 2014. Volume XX. In: American Academy of Forensic Sciences 16-22 February 2014 Seattle USA. Proceedings of the American Academy of Forensic Sciences. February 2014. Volume XX.
  • Evis, L., Darvill, T., Cheetham, P. and Hanson, I., 2014. Digging the dirt: An evaluation of archaeological excavation and recording techniques and their applicability in forensic casework. In: 79th Annual Meeting of the Society for American Archaeology 23-27 April 2014 Austin, Texas, USA.
  • Hanson, I., Nakhaeizadeh, S. and Dozzi, N., 2013. The Power of Contextual Effects in Forensic Anthropology: A Study of Biasability in the Visual Interpretations of Trauma Analysis on Skeletal Remains. Proceedings of the American Academy of Forensic Sciences. February 2013. Volume XIX. In: American Academy of Forensic Sciences 17-23 February 2013 Washington DC, USA. Proceedings of the American Academy of Forensic Sciences. February 2013. Volume XIX., IXX, 403 Denver Colorado: AAFS.
  • Hanson, 2013. Alicehajic E, Jugo, A, Huel, R, Amory, S, Jasaragic, E, Rizvic, A, Parsons, T, Hanson, I, and Vennemeyer, M (2012) Perurac Lake, Bosnia: A Multidisciplinary Operation to Locate, Recover and Examine DNA Samples, and Identify the Missing From Balkans Conflicts. Proceedings of the American Academy of Forensic Sciences. February 2012. Volume XVIII. In: American Academy of Forensic Sciences 19-25 February 2012 Atlanta, Georgia, USA. Proceedings of the American Academy of Forensic Sciences. February 2012. Volume XVIII..
  • Hanson, 2012. Hanson, I, Evis, L and Pelling, S. (2011). Towards Standards in Forensic Archaeology: Examining the Impact of Method on Interpretation. Proceedings of the American Academy of Forensic Sciences. February 2011. Volume XVII. In: American Academy of Forensic Sciences 20-26 February 2011 Chicago USA. Proceedings of the American Academy of Forensic Sciences. February 2011. Volume XVII..
  • Hanson, 2011. Reveal, M.L. and Hanson, I (2010). Protocol for Objective Evidentiary Photography in Forensic Anthropology. Proceedings of the American Academy of Forensic Sciences. February 2010. Volume XVI. In: American Academy of Forensic Sciences 14-20 February 2010 Seattle, USA.
  • Hanson, 2010. Hanson, I and Cheetham, P (2009). Advances in applications of archaeological techniques to CSI. Proceedings of the American Academy of Forensic Sciences. February 2009. Volume XV. In: American Academy of Forensic Sciences 15-21 February 2009 Denver, Colorado, USA.
  • Hanson, I., Cheetham, P. and Gilbert, S., 2009. Advances in Archaeological Approaches to Crime Scene Investigation. In: 61st Annual Meeting of the American Academy of Forensic Sciences: Forensic Science: Envisioning and Creating the Future. 16-21 February 2009 Denver, Colorado.
  • Hanson, 2006. Hanson, I (2005). The concept of the forensic landscape. Proceedings of the American Academy of Forensic Sciences. February 2005. Volume XI. In: American Academy of Forensic Sciences 13-19 February 2005 Seattle, USA. Proceedings of the American Academy of Forensic Sciences. February 2005. Volume XI..
  • Hanson, 2003. Hanson, I (2002). -The Survey of mass graves. Proceedings of the American Academy of Forensic Sciences. February 2002. Volume VIII. In: American Academy of Forensic Sciences 17-23 February 2002 Atlanta, Georgia, USA. Proceedings of the American Academy of Forensic Sciences. February 2002. Volume VIII..


  • Hanson, I., 2018. Critical assessment of archaeological excavation and the development of processes required for successful investigation of mass graves. PhD Thesis. Bournemouth University, Faculty of Science and Technology.


  • Hanson, I., 2013. Perurac Lake, Bosnia: A Multidisciplinary Operation to Locate, Recover and Examine DNA Samples, and Identify the Missing From Balkans Conflicts. In: Proceedings of the Amercian Academy pf Forensic Sciences.

Invited Lectures

  • Digging the dirt, Austin, Texas, USA, 23 Mar 2017 more
  • Forensic Archaeology, Bournemouth (BIC), 10 Nov 2009 more

External Responsibilities

  • Supreme Court of Justice, El Salvador, forensic science advisory panelist (2014-)
  • General Section, American Academy for Forensic Science, Member of the Committee for Standards and Policy (2011-)
  • KIngstin University, Member of Industrial Liaison Group advising Forens (2011-)
  • Fundacion AFFIC, Colombia, Member of Board of Directors (2011-)
  • Expert Panel for the Forensic Regulator, Member of the Expert Panel of the Special Interest (2010-)
  • SWGANTH, contributor (2010-2011)
  • Journal of Forensic Anthropology and Archaeology, Editorial board (2008-2009)

Internal Responsibilities

  • member, member of the BU Quality Assurance group.
  • Development of university ethics policy and ethics checklist for researchers, Member of the Bournemouth University (BU) Ethics Board

Consultancy Activities

  • Director, Board of Directors. AFFIC
  • Trainer and acting head of program, consultant. ICMP
  • Consultant, consultancy. Forensic Resources limited
  • Expert Panel member Forensic Archaeology, expert panel member. Forensic Regulator
  • Senior Archaeologist, Inforce Foundation, consultancy. UK FCO
  • Senior Archaeologist Inforce Foundation, consultancy. Commission on Missing Persons Cyprus


  • AAFS, Fellow (2014-),
  • Chartered Institute for Archaeologists, Member (2011-),
  • CIfA is the leading professional body representing archaeologists working in the UK and overseas., Member (2011-),
  • The National Crime Agency (NCA) leads UK law enforcement's fight to cut serious and organised crime. We have national and international reach, consultant (2009-),
  • AAFS, Member (2003-),
  • The American Academy of Forensic Sciences is a multi-disciplinary professional organization that provides leadership to advance science and its application to the legal system., Fellow (2003-),
  • ICMP works with governments, civil society organizations, justice institutions, international organizations and others throughout the world to address the issue of people who have gone missing, Deputy Director,