A pragmatic approach to process modelling

Authors: Phalp, K. and Shepperd, M.

Volume: 772 LNCS

Pages: 65-68

DOI: 10.1007/3-540-57739-4_9


Many current process modelling approaches are notationally complex, and therefore inappropriate within relatively small software development environments. What is needed is a more pragmatic approach. This paper describes some process modelling work, based upon data flow techniques, conducted at a small software development organization. Our findings suggest that significant benefits can accrue from even a low cost approach. We also discuss some practical lessons learnt for the would-be process modeller.

Source: Scopus

A Pragmatic Approach to Process Modelling.

Authors: Phalp, K.T. and Shepperd, M.

Volume: 772

Pages: 65-68

Publisher: Springer

Place of Publication: London

DOI: 10.1007/3-540-57739-4


Source: Manual

Preferred by: Keith Phalp

A Pragmatic Approach to Process Modelling.

Authors: Phalp, K. and Shepperd, M.J.

Editors: Warboys, B.

Volume: 772

Pages: 65-68

Publisher: Springer


Source: DBLP