Professor Keith Phalp
- 65571 / 65004 (Sam Clissold)
- Pro Vice Chancellor - Education and Quality
- Poole House P308, Talbot Campus, Fern Barrow, Poole, BH12 5BB
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Professor Phalp has a life-long passion for the transformative power of education, initially having taught mathematics in schools, with over 30 years of working across a variety of roles in higher education. Within universities, he has worked as a demonstrator, research fellow, lecturer, course leader, senior lecturer, reader, professor, head of department, Deputy Dean for Education, Executive Dean, and is currently interim Pro-Vice Chancellor for Education and Quality.
As well as his PVC Education and Quality role, Professor Phalp currently leads on Research and Knowledge Exchange for the University. He is an experienced researcher, and research leader with over 200 refereed publications, significant research income, and a continuity of output, having been included in all research assessment exercises since 2001. Professor Phalp’s personal research interests cover software engineering, particularly the early phases of software projects and the relationship between business and software models; model driven development; applications of AI; and, in recent years, social computing, which encompasses digital addiction and online gambling... He has extensive project leadership expertise, having led major successful EC-funded projects, as well as Knowledge Transfer Projects, and his research has brought tangible and financial benefits to the organisations involved.
moreJournal Articles
- Noman, M., Gurgun, S., Phalp, K. and Ali, R., 2024. Designing social media to foster user engagement in challenging misinformation: a cross-cultural comparison between the UK and Arab countries. Humanities and Social Sciences Communications, 11 (1).
- Bush-Evans, R., Arden-Close, E., Thomas, S., McAlaney, J., Wang, R., Bolat, E., Hodge, S., Hamson-Ford, A. and Phalp, K., 2024. Promoting safer gambling through social norms and goal setting: A qualitative process analysis of participants' experiences in the EROGamb 2.0 feasibility trial. Internet Interventions, 38.
- Gurgun, S., Cemiloglu, D., Close, E.A., Phalp, K., Nakov, P. and Ali, R., 2024. Why do we not stand up to misinformation? Factors influencing the likelihood of challenging misinformation on social media and the role of demographics. Technology in Society, 76.
- Gurgun, S., Arden-Close, E., Phalp, K. and Ali, R., 2024. Motivated by Design: A Codesign Study to Promote Challenging Misinformation on Social Media. HUMAN BEHAVIOR AND EMERGING TECHNOLOGIES, 2024.
- Gurgun, S., Arden-Close, E., Phalp, K. and Ali, R., 2023. Online silence: why do people not challenge others when posting misinformation? Internet Research, 33 (5), 1928-1948.
- Arden-Close, E., Thomas, S., Bush-Evans, R., Wang, R., Bolat, E., Hodge, S., Phalp, K. and McAlaney, J., 2023. Social norms and goal-setting interventions to promote responsible gambling in low-to-moderate online gamblers: protocol for a four-arm randomised controlled feasibility study. BMJ Open, 13 (3).
- Wang, R., Bush-Evans, R., Arden-Close, E., Bolat, E., McAlaney, J., Hodge, S., Thomas, S. and Phalp, K., 2023. Transparency in persuasive technology, immersive technology, and online marketing: Facilitating users’ informed decision making and practical implications. Computers in Human Behavior, 139.
- Noman, M., Gurgun, S., Phalp, K., Nakov, P. and Ali, R., 2023. Challenging others when posting misinformation: a UK vs. Arab cross-cultural comparison on the perception of negative consequences and injunctive norms. Behaviour and Information Technology.
- Chemnad, K., Alshakhsi, S., Almourad, M.B., Altuwairiqi, M., Phalp, K. and Ali, R., 2022. Smartphone Usage before and during COVID-19: A Comparative Study Based on Objective Recording of Usage Data. Informatics, 9 (4).
- Alsaedi, T., Sherief, N., Phalp, K. and Ali, R., 2022. Online social transparency in enterprise information systems: a risk assessment method. Information Technology and Management, 23 (2), 95-124.
- Whittington, P., Dogan, H., Phalp, K. and Jiang, N., 2022. Detecting physical abilities through smartphone sensors: an assistive technology application. Disability and Rehabilitation: Assistive Technology, 17 (8), 974-985.
- Alblwi, A., McAlaney, J., Al Thani, D.A.S., Phalp, K. and Ali, R., 2021. Procrastination on social media: predictors of types, triggers and acceptance of countermeasures. Social Network Analysis and Mining, 11 (1).
- Shahri, A., Hosseini, M., Taylor, J., Stefanidis, A., Phalp, K. and Ali, R., 2020. Engineering digital motivation in businesses: a modelling and analysis framework. Requirements Engineering, 25 (2), 153-184.
- Xu, L., de Vrieze, P., Yu, H., Phalp, K. and Bai, Y., 2020. Interoperability of the future factory: An overview of concepts and research challenges. International Journal of Mechatronics and Manufacturing Systems, 13 (1), 3-27.
- Alblwi, A., McAlaney, J., Altuwairiqi, M., Stefanidis, A., Phalp, K. and Ali, R., 2020. Procrastination on Social Networks: Triggers and Countermeasures*. Psihologija, 53 (4), 393-410.
- method: Combating digital addiction via online peer support groups. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 16 (7).
- Algashami, A., Vuillier, L., Alrobai, A., Phalp, K. and Ali, R., 2019. Gamification risks to enterprise teamwork: Taxonomy, management strategies and modalities of application. Systems, 7 (1).
- Shahri, A., Hosseini, M., Phalp, K., Taylor, J. and Ali, R., 2019. How to engineer gamification: The consensus, the best practice and the grey areas. Journal of Organizational and End User Computing, 31 (1), 39-60.
- Drosatos, G., Arden-Close, E., Bolat, E., Budka, M., McAlaney, J., Phalp, K., Vuillier, L. et al., 2018. Enabling Responsible Online Gambling by Real-time Persuasive Technologies. Complex Systems Informatics and Modeling Quarterly.
- Alamro, S., Dogan, H., Cetinkaya, D., Jiang, N. and Phalp, K., 2018. Conceptualising and modelling E-recruitment process for enterprises through a problem oriented approach. Information (Switzerland), 9 (11).
- Hamzeh, H., Meacham, S., Virginas, B. and Phalp, K., 2018. Taxonomy of Autonomic Cloud Computing. International Journal of Computer and Communication Engineering (IJCCE).
- Hosseini, M., Shahri, A., Phalp, K. and Ali, R., 2018. Four reference models for transparency requirements in information systems. Requirements Engineering, 23 (2), 251-275.
- Hosseini, M., Shahri, A., Phalp, K. and Ali, R., 2018. Engineering transparency requirements: A modelling and analysis framework. Information Systems, 74, 3-22.
- Hosseini, M., Shahri, A., Phalp, K. and Ali, R., 2018. Engineering transparency requirements: A modelling and analysis framework. INFORMATION SYSTEMS, 74, 3-22.
- Alrobai, A., McAlaney, J., Phalp, K. and Ali, R., 2016. Exploring the risk factors of interactive e-health interventions for digital addiction. International Journal of Sociotechnology and Knowledge Development, 8 (2), 1-15.
- Dogan, H., Alamro, S. and Phalp, K., 2015. Forming Enterprise Recruitment Pattern Based on Problem-Oriented Conceptual Model. Procedia Computer Science, 64, 298-305.
- Hosseini, M., Phalp, K., Taylor, J. and Ali, R., 2015. On the Configuration of Crowdsourcing Projects. International Journal of Information System Modeling and Design (IJISMD).
- Alamro, S., Dogan, H. and Phalp, K., 2015. Forming Enterprise Recruitment Pattern Based on Problem-Oriented Conceptual Model. Procedia Computer Science, 64, 298-305.
- Hosseini, M., Shahri, A., Phalp, K., Taylor, J. and Ali, R., 2015. Crowdsourcing: A Taxonomy and Systematic Mapping Study. Computer Science Review - Elsevier.
- Meacham, S., Gioulekas, F. and Phalp, K., 2015. SysML based Design for Variability enabling the Reusability of Legacy Systems towards the support of Diverse Standard Compliant Implementations or Standard Updates: The case of IEEE-802.15.6 standard for e-health applications. 8th International ICST Conference on Simulation Tools and Techniques, SIMUTOOLS 2015, 88-93.
- Hosseini, M., Moore, J., Almaliki, M., Shahri, A., Phalp, K. and Ali, R., 2014. Wisdom of the Crowd within enterprises: Practices and challenges. Computer Networks.
- Ardini, A., Hosseini, M., Alrobai, A., Shahri, A., Phalp, K. and Ali, R., 2014. Social Computing for Software Engineering: a Mapping Study. Computer Science Review Journal - Elsevier.
- Xu, L., de Vrieze, P., Phalp, K., Jeary, S. and Liang, P., 2013. Interoperative end-user process modelling for process collaborative manufacturing. International Journal of Computer Integrated Manufacturing, 26, 990-1002.
- Panfilenko, D., Seel, C., Phalp, K. and Jeary, S., 2011. Enriching the model-driven architecture with weakly structured information. , 121-145.
- Fouad, S., 2011. Embedding requirements within Model-Driven Architecture. Software Quality Journal, 19, 411-430.
- Phalp, J., 2011. The role of comprehension in requirements and implications for use case descriptions. Software Quality Journal, 19, 461-486.
- Jeary, S., Phalp, K.T., Xu, L. and de Vrieze, P.T., 2011. Introduction to a requirements framework for novice web developers. IET Software.
- Engen, V., Vincent, J. and Phalp, K.T., 2010. Exploring Discrepancies in Findings Obtained with the KDD Cup '99 Data Set. Intelligent Data Analysis.
- Kanyaru, J.M. and Phalp, K.T., 2009. Validating software requirements with enactable use case descriptions. Requirements Engineering Journal, 14, 1-14.
- Jeary, J., 2009. An evaluation of the utility of web development methods. Software Quality Journal, 17, 125-150.
- Banks, A., Vincent, J. and Phalp, K.T., 2008. Natural Strategies for Search. Natural Computing.
- Banks, A., Vincent, J. and Phalp, K.T., 2008. Particle Swarm Guidance System for Autonomous, Unmanned Aerial Vehicles in an Air Defence Role. Journal of the Royal Institute of Navigation, 61, 9-29.
- Engen, V., Vincent, J. and Phalp, K.T., 2008. Enhancing Network Based Intrusion Detection for Imbalanced Data. International Journal of Knowledge-Based Intelligent Engineering Systems, 12, 357-367.
- Phalp, K.T., Vincent, J. and Cox, K., 2007. Assessing the Quality of Use Case Descriptions. Software Quality Journal, 15, 69-97.
- Phalp, K.T., Vincent, J. and Cox, K., 2007. Improving the Quality of Use Case Descriptions: Empirical Assessment of Writing Guidelines. Software Quality Journal, 15, 383-399.
- Cox, K. and Phalp, K.T., 2006. Practical experience of eliciting classes from use case descriptions. Journal of Systems and Software, 80, 1286-1304.
- Bleistein, S.J., Cox, K., Verner, J. and Phalp, K.T., 2005. B-SCP: A requirements analysis framework for validating strategic alignment of organizational IT based on strategy, context and process. Information and Software Technology, 48, 846-868.
- Bleistein, S.J., Cox, K., Verner, J. and Phalp, K.T., 2005. Requirements engineering for e-business advantage. Requirements Engineering, 11, 4-16.
- Cox, K., Phalp, K.T., Bleistein, S.J. and Verner, J., 2004. Deriving requirements from process models via the problem frames approach. Information and Software Technology, 47, 319-337.
- Phalp, K.T. and Counsell, S.J., 2001. Coupling Trends in Industrial Prototyping Roles: An Empirical Investigation. Software Quality Journal, 9, 223-240.
- Mair, C., Kadoda, G., Lefley, M., Phalp, K., Schofield, C., Shepperd, M. and Webster, S., 2000. An Investigation of machine learning based prediction systems. Journal of Systems and Software, 53 (1), 23-29.
- Mair, C., Kadoda, G., Phalp, K.T., Schofield, C., Shepperd, M. and Webster, S., 2000. Empirical Studies Applied to Software Process Models. Journal of Systems and Software, 53, 23-29.
- Phalp, K.T. and Cox, K., 2000. Picking the Right Problem Frame—An Empirical Study. Empirical Software Engineering, 5, 215-228.
- Phalp, K.T. and Cox, K., 2000. Replicating the CREWS Use Case Authoring Guidelines Experiment. Empirical Software Engineering, 5, 245-267.
- Phalp, K.T. and Shepperd, M., 2000. Quantitative analysis of static models of processes. Journal of Systems and Software, 52, 105-112.
- Raffo, D., Kalito, T., Partridge, D., Phalp, K.T. and Ramil, J.F., 1999. Empirical Studies Applied to Software Process Models. Empirical Software Engineering, 4, 353-369.
- Phalp, K.T., 1998. The CAP framework for business process modelling. Information and Software Technology, 40, 731-744.
- Phalp, K.T., Henderson, P., Walters, R.J. and Abeysinghe, G.A., 1998. RolEnact: role-based enactable models of business processes. Information and Software Technology, 40, 123-133.
- Abeysinghe, G.A. and Phalp, K.T., 1997. Combining process modelling methods. Information and Software Technology, 39, 107-124.
- Phalp, K., 1993. Integrating tools for software development: L D Serbanati Prentice-Hall (1993) £26.50 190 pp ISBN 13 468471 0. Inf. Softw. Technol., 35, 697.
- Shahri, A., Hosseini, M., Phalp, K., Taylor, J. and Ali, R., 2022. How to engineer gamification: The consensus, the best practice and the grey areas. Research Anthology on Game Design, Development, Usage, and Social Impact. 144-168.
- Hosseini, M., Phalp, K., Taylor, J. and Ali, R., 2019. On the Configuration of Crowdsourcing Projects. Crowdsourcing Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications. IGI Global, 33-52.
- Algashami, A., Cham, S., Vuillier, L., Stefanidis, A., Phalp, K. and Ali, R., 2018. Conceptualising Gamification Risks to Teamwork within Enterprise. The Practice of Enterprise Modeling. The Practice of Enterprise Modeling. Springer.
- Boese, S., Cabri, G., Eder, N., Lazovik, A., Mandreoli, F., Mecella, M., Phalp, K., De Vrieze, P., Xu, L. and Yu, H., 2017. EU H2020 MSCA RISE Project FIRST - “virtual Factories: Interoperation suppoRting buSiness innovation”. OPPORTUNITIES AND CHALLENGES for European Projects. SCITEPRESS.
- Boese, S., Cabri, G., Eder, N., Mandreoli, F., Lazovik, A., Mecella, M., Phalp, K., de Vrieze, P., Xu, L. and Yu, H., 2017. EU H2020 MSCA RISE Project FIRST - “virtual Factories: Interoperation suppoRting buSiness innovation”. OPPORTUNITIES AND CHALLENGES for European Projects - EPS Portugal 2017/2018. ScitePress, 3-19.
- Meacham, S., Phalp, K. and Grimm, F., 2016. Towards a Better Object-Oriented Software Development Education Using the DCI Software Architecture. 113-121.
- Ali, R., Jiang, N., Phalp, K., Muir, S. and McAlaney, J., 2015. The Emerging Requirement for Digital Addiction Labels. Requirements Engineering: Foundation for Software Quality 21st International Working Conference, REFSQ 2015, Essen, Germany, March 23-26, 2015. Proceedings. Springer.
- Panfilenko, D., Seel, C., Phalp, K.T. and Jeary, S., 2011. Enriching the Model-Driven Architecture with Weakly Structured Information. In: Rech, J. and Bunse, C., eds. Emerging Technologies for the Evolution and Maintenance of Software Models. Hershey, PA: IGI-Global, 121-145.
- Xu, L., de Vrieze, P.T., Phalp, K.T., Jeary, S., Bouguettaya, A. and Liang, P., 2011. Service-oriented Collaborative Business Processes. In: Cardellini, V., Casalicchio, E., Castelo Branco, K., Estrella, J. and Monaco, F., eds. Performance and Dependability in Service Computing: Concepts, Techniques and Research Directions. IGI Group, 116-132.
- Jeary, S., Atfield-Cutts, S., Phalp, K.T., Mayes, H. and Bates, N., 2010. Using IT support to improve the quality of peer assisted learning. In: Uhomoibhi, J., Ross, M. and Staples, G., eds. e-Learning and Social Responsibility. Southampton Solent University, Faculty of Technology, 11-23.
- Phalp, K.T., Adlem, A., Jeary, S. and Vincent, J., 2009. Comprehension, Use Cases and Requirements. In: Dawson, R., Ross, M. and Staples, G., eds. Software Quality in the 21st Century: Software Quality Management XVII. The British Computer Society, 207-218.
- Fouad, A., Phalp, K.T., Jeary, S. and Kanyaru, J.M., 2009. The Consideration of a Requirements Phase in the Model Driven Architecture. In: Dawson, R., Ross, M. and Staples, G., eds. Software Quality in the 21st Century, Software Quality XVII, 17th International Software Quality Management Conference, SQM 2009. British Computer Society, 179-194.
- Phalp, K.T. and Counsell, S.J., 2000. The application of metrics to industrial prototyping processes: An empirical study. Software Process Technology. Berlin / Heidelberg: Springer, 239-248.
- Abeysinghe, G.A., Henderson, P., Phalp, K.T. and Walters, R.J., 1998. An Audience Centred Approach to Business Process Reengineering. In: Gyorkos, J., Krisper, M. and Mayr, H.C., eds. ReTIS '97 5th International Conference on Re-Technologies for Information Systems : CASSAM--computer aided software support and maintenance. Vienna, Austria: Österreichische Computer Gesellschaft.
- Phalp, K.T. and Shepperd, M., 1994. A Pragmatic Approach to Process Modelling. Software Process Technology: Third European Workshop, EWSPT '94 Villard de Lans, France, February 7–9, 1994 Proceedings. London: Springer, 65-68.
- Wang, R., Bush-Evans, R., Arden-Close, E., McAlaney, J., Hodge, S., Bolat, E., Thomas, S. and Phalp, K., 2024. Usability of Responsible Gambling Information on Gambling Operator' Websites: A Webcam-Based Eye Tracking Study. Eye Tracking Research and Applications Symposium (ETRA).
- Gurgun, S., Noman, M., Arden-Close, E., Phalp, K. and Ali, R., 2024. How Would I Be Perceived If I Challenge Individuals Sharing Misinformation? Exploring Misperceptions in the UK and Arab Samples and the Potential for the Social Norms Approach. Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics), 14636 LNCS, 133-150.
- Abumalloh, R.A., Gurgun, S., Noman, M., Phalp, K., Halabi, O., Katos, V. and Ali, R., 2024. Empathy vs Reluctance to Challenge Misinformation: The Mediating Role of Relationship Costs, Perspective Taking, and Need for Cognition. Lecture Notes in Business Information Processing, 513, 376-392.
- Gurgun, S., Arden-Close, E., Phalp, K. and Ali, R., 2024. When Certain Persuasive Techniques Fail to Prompt Users to Challenge Misinformation: Lessons Learnt - Extended Abstract. PERSUASIVE (Adjunct), 3728, 102
- Gurgun, S., Arden-Close, E., McAlaney, J., Phalp, K. and Ali, R., 2023. Can We Re-design Social Media to Persuade People to Challenge Misinformation? An Exploratory Study. Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics), 13832 LNCS, 123-141.
- Whittington, P. and Dogan, H., 2022. Authentibility Pass: An Accessible Authentication Gateway for People with Reduced Abilities. 35th British HCI Conference Towards a Human-Centred Digital Society, HCI 2022.
- Fakhartousi, A., Meacham, S. and Phalp, K., 2022. Autonomic Dominant Resource Fairness (A-DRF) in Cloud Computing. Proceedings - 2022 IEEE 46th Annual Computers, Software, and Applications Conference, COMPSAC 2022, 1626-1631.
- Whittington, P., Dogan, H., Phalp, K. and Phillips, J., 2022. Health Ability Pass: An Accessible Healthcare Gateway for Patients with Disabilities. Proceedings - 2022 IEEE International Conference on e-Business Engineering, ICEBE 2022, 282-287.
- Hamzeh, H., Meacham, S., Khan, K., Stefanidis, A. and Phalp, K., 2021. H-FfMRA: A multi resource fully fair resources allocation algorithm in heterogeneous cloud computing. Proceedings - 2021 IEEE 45th Annual Computers, Software, and Applications Conference, COMPSAC 2021, 1243-1249.
- Hamzeh, H., Meacham, S., Khan, K., Phalp, K. and Stefanidis, A., 2020. MRFS: A Multi-resource Fair Scheduling Algorithm in Heterogeneous Cloud Computing. Proceedings - 2020 IEEE 44th Annual Computers, Software, and Applications Conference, COMPSAC 2020, 1653-1660.
- Alutaybi, A., Arden-Close, E., McAlaney, J., Stefanidis, A., Phalp, K. and Ali, R., 2019. How can social networks design trigger fear of missing out? Conference Proceedings - IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics, 2019-October, 3758-3765.
- Alsaedi, T., Phalp, K. and Ali, R., 2019. Towards an assessment method for social transparency in enterprise information systems. Proceedings - IEEE International Enterprise Distributed Object Computing Workshop, EDOCW, 2019-October, 136-145.
- Alutaybi, A., McAlaney, J., Arden-Close, E., Stefanidis, A., Phalp, K. and Ali, R., 2019. Fear of Missing Out (FoMO) as Really Lived: Five Classifications and one Ecology. BESC 2019 - 6th International Conference on Behavioral, Economic and Socio-Cultural Computing, Proceedings.
- Alblwi, A., Stefanidis, A., Phalp, K. and Ali, R., 2019. Procrastination on Social Networks: Types and Triggers. BESC 2019 - 6th International Conference on Behavioral, Economic and Socio-Cultural Computing, Proceedings.
- Alsaedi, T., Stefanidis, A., Phalp, K. and Ali, R., 2019. Social Transparency in Enterprise Information Systems: Peculiarities and Assessment Factors. BESC 2019 - 6th International Conference on Behavioral, Economic and Socio-Cultural Computing, Proceedings.
- Coles, M. and Phalp, K., 2019. Undergraduate students’ learning approaches & learning to program. In: PPIG 2019 - 30th Annual Workshop 28-30 August 2019 Newcastle University, UK.
- Hamzeh, H., Meacham, S., Khan, K., Phalp, K. and Stefanidis, A., 2019. FFMRA: A fully fair multi-resource allocation algorithm in cloud environments. Proceedings - 2019 IEEE SmartWorld, Ubiquitous Intelligence and Computing, Advanced and Trusted Computing, Scalable Computing and Communications, Internet of People and Smart City Innovation, SmartWorld/UIC/ATC/SCALCOM/IOP/SCI 2019, 279-286.
- Whittington, P., Dogan, H., Jiang, N. and Phalp, K., 2019. The development and evaluation of the SmartAbility Android Application to detect users’ abilities. In: The ACM CHI 2019 Workshop on Addressing the Challenges of Situationally-Induced Impairments and Disabilities in Mobile Interaction 4-9 May 2019 Glasgow, UK.
- Alblwi, A., Stefanidis, A., Phalp, K. and Ali, R., 2019. Procrastination on Social Networking Sites: Combating by Design. Proceedings - International Conference on Research Challenges in Information Science, 2019-May.
- Meacham, S., Rath, P., Moharana, P., Phalp, K. and Park, M.S., 2019. One-stop Shop E-government Solution for South-Korean Government Multi-ministry Virtual Employment-Welfare Plus Center System. In: The Thirteenth International Conference on Digital Society and eGovernments ICDS 2019 24-28 February 2019 Athens, Greece. , 8-18 IARIA.
- Hamzeh, H., Meacham, S., Virginas, B., Khan, K. and Phalp, K., 2019. MLF-DRS: A multi-level fair resource allocation algorithm in heterogeneous cloud computing systems. 2019 IEEE 4th International Conference on Computer and Communication Systems, ICCCS 2019, 316-321.
- Alamro, S., Dogan, H., Ali, R. and Phalp, K., 2019. Template-driven documentation for enterprise recruitment best practices. ICEIS 2019 - Proceedings of the 21st International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems, 1, 226-236.
- Digital addiction: Negative life experiences and potential for technology-assisted solutions. Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, 931, 921-931.
- Goal setting for persuasive information systems: Five reference checklists. Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics), 11433 LNCS, 237-253.
- Alamro, S., Dogan, H., Ali, R. and Phalp, K., 2019. Template-Driven Documentation for Enterprise Recruitment Best Practices. ICEIS (1), 238-248 SciTePress.
- Alsaedi, T., Phalp, K. and Ali, R., 2019. Online Social Transparency in Enterprise Information Systems: Risks and Risk Factors. Lecture Notes in Business Information Processing, 375 LNBIP, 97-111.
- Alblwi, A., Stefanidis, A., Phalp, K. and Ali, R., 2019. Procrastination on Social Networking Sites: Combating by Design. 2019 13TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON RESEARCH CHALLENGES IN INFORMATION SCIENCE (RCIS), 235-245.
- Drosatos, G., Arden-Close, E., Bolat, E., Vuillier, L., McAlaney, J., Phalp, K. et al., 2018. Empowering responsible online gambling by real-time persuasive information systems. Proceedings - International Conference on Research Challenges in Information Science, 2018-May, 1-11.
- Whittington, P., Dogan, H., Jiang, N. and Phalp, K., 2018. SmartAbility: Detection of reduced physical abilities through smartphone sensors. In: 2nd Workshop on Human Centred Design for Intelligent Environments (HCD4IE). The 32nd Human Computer Interaction Conference (British HCI'18) 3 July 2018 Belfast.
- Isaac, G., Meacham, S., Hamzeh, H., Stefanidis, A. and Phalp, K., 2018. An Adaptive E-Commerce Application using Web Framework Technology and Machine Learning. In: BCS Software Quality Management (SQM) Conference 2018 26-27 March 2018 London, UK.. , 145-158 BCS.
- Meacham, S., Stefanidis, A., Gritt, L. and Phalp, K., 2018. Internet of Things for Education: Facilitating Personalised Education from a University’s Perspective. In: BCS SQM & Inspire Conference 2018 26-27 March 2018 London, UK. , 69-82 BCS.
- Alrobai, A., Dogan, H., Phalp, K. and Ali, R., 2018. Building online platforms for peer support groups as a persuasive behavior change technique. Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics), 10809 LNCS, 70-83.
- Alutaybi, A., McAlaney, J., Stefanidis, A., Phalp, K. and Ali, R., 2018. Designing social networks to combat fear of missing out. Proceedings of the 32nd International BCS Human Computer Interaction Conference, HCI 2018.
- Whittington, P., Dogan, H., Jiang, N. and Phalp, K., 2018. Automatic detection of user abilities through the smartability framework. Proceedings of the 32nd International BCS Human Computer Interaction Conference, HCI 2018.
- Algashami, A., Cham, S., Vuillier, L., Stefanidis, A., Phalp, K. and Ali, R., 2018. Conceptualising gamification risks to teamwork within enterprise. Lecture Notes in Business Information Processing, 335, 105-120.
- Xu, L., de vrieze, P., phalp, K. and Yu, H., 2017. EU H2020 FIRST- vF Interoperation suppoRting buSiness innovation. In: Network Plus: Industrial Systems in the Digital Age Conference 2017 20-21 June 2017 Glasgow, UK.
- Algashami, A., Shahri, A., McAlaney, J., Taylor, J., Phalp, K. and Ali, R., 2017. Strategies and design principles to minimize negative side-effects of digital motivation on teamwork. Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics), 10171 LNCS, 267-278.
- Meacham, S. and Phalp, K., 2016. Requirements engineering methods for an Internet of Things application: fall-detection for ambient assisted living. In: BCS SQM/Inspire Conference 21-22 March 2016 Bournemouth University.
- Alnaqbi, A., Meacham, S., Ali, R. and Phalp, K., 2016. Public Awareness and Attitude about Smart Services: A Study in United Arab Emirates. In: the 24th International Software Quality Management Conference. (BCS SQM/Inspire 16) 21-22 March 2016 Bournemouth, UK.
- Shahri, A., Hosseini, M., Almaliki, M., Phalp, K., Taylor, J. and Ali, R., 2016. Engineering software-based motivation: A persona-based approach. Proceedings - International Conference on Research Challenges in Information Science, 2016-August.
- Hosseini, M., Shahri, A., Phalp, K. and Ali, R., 2016. Crowdsourcing transparency requirements through structured feedback and social adaptation. Proceedings - International Conference on Research Challenges in Information Science, 2016-August.
- Alnaqbi, A., Liebchen, G., Ali, R. and Phalp, K., 2016. Culturally-Aware Motivation for Smart Services: An Exploratory Study of the UAE. In: In the proceedings of the 24th International Software Quality Management Conference. (BCS SQM/Inspire 16) 21 March 2016 Bournemouth, UK.
- Hosseini, M., Shahri, A., Phalp, K. and Ali, R., 2016. Foundations for transparency requirements engineering. Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics), 9619, 225-231.
- Alrobai, A., McAlaney, J., Phalp, K. and Ali, R., 2016. Online peer groups as a persuasive tool to combat digital addiction. Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics), 9638, 288-300.
- Hosseini, M., Shahri, A., Phalp, K. and Ali, R., 2016. A modelling language for transparency requirements in business information systems. Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics), 9694, 239-254.
- Alrobai, A., McAlaney, J., Dogan, H., Phalp, K. and Ali, R., 2016. Exploring the requirements and design of persuasive intervention technology to combat digital addiction. Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics), 9856 LNCS, 130-150.
- Shahri, A., Hosseini, M., Phalp, K., Taylor, J. and Ali, R., 2016. Exploring and conceptualising software-based motivation within enterprise. Lecture Notes in Business Information Processing, 267, 241-256.
- Shahri, A., Hosseini, M., Almaliki, M., Phalp, K., Taylor, J. and Ali, R., 2016. Engineering software-based motivation: A persona-based approach. RCIS, 1-12 IEEE.
- Hosseini, M., Shahri, A., Phalp, K. and Ali, R., 2016. Crowdsourcing transparency requirements through structured feedback and social adaptation. RCIS, 1-6 IEEE.
- Coles, M. and Phalp, K., 2016. Brain Type as a Programming Aptitude Predictor. PPIG, 10 Psychology of Programming Interest Group.
- Ali, R., McAlaney, J., Faily, S., Phalp, K. and Katos, V., 2015. Mitigating circumstances in cybercrime: A position paper. Proceedings - 15th IEEE International Conference on Computer and Information Technology, CIT 2015, 14th IEEE International Conference on Ubiquitous Computing and Communications, IUCC 2015, 13th IEEE International Conference on Dependable, Autonomic and Secure Computing, DASC 2015 and 13th IEEE International Conference on Pervasive Intelligence and Computing, PICom 2015, 1972-1976.
- Hosseini, M., Shahri, A., Phalp, K. and Ali, R., 2015. Towards engineering transparency as a requirement in socio-technical systems. 2015 IEEE 23rd International Requirements Engineering Conference, RE 2015 - Proceedings, 268-273.
- Phalp, K., Meacham, S. and Grimm, F., 2015. Semantic Preservation through Diagrammatic Model-merging for Collaborative Working for Embedded Software Development. In: BCS SQM/Inspire Conference 30-31 March 2015 Loughborough University.
- Whittington, Dogan, H. and Phalp, K., 2015. SmartPowerchair: to boldly go where a powerchair has not gone before. In: Ergonomics & Human Factors (EHF) 13-16 April 2015 Daventry, UK.
- Whittington, P., Dogan, H. and Phalp, K., 2015. Evaluating the Usability of an Automated Transport and Retrieval System. In: 5th International Conference on Pervasive and Embedded Computing and Communication Systems (PECCS) 11-13 February 2015 Angers, France.
- Whittington, P., Dogan, H. and Phalp, K., 2015. Evaluating the usability of an Automated Transport and Retrieval System. PECCS 2015 - 5th International Conference on Pervasive and Embedded Computing and Communication Systems, Proceedings, 59-66.
- Whittington, P., Dogan, H. and Phalp, K., 2015. SmartPowerchair: To boldly go where a Powerchair has not gone before. Contemporary Ergonomics and Human Factors 2015, 233-242.
- Ali, R., Jiang, N., Phalp, K., Muir, S. and McAlaney, J., 2015. The Emerging Requirement for Digital Addiction Labels. In: The 21st International Working Conference on Requirements Engineering: Foundation for Software Quality (REFSQ 2015) 23-26 March 2015 Essen, Germany..
- Jiang, J., Phalp, K. and Ali, R., 2015. Digital Addiction: Gamification for Precautionary and Recovery Requirements. In: The 21st International Working Conference on Requirements Engineering: Foundation for Software Quality (REFSQ 2015) - Demo and Posters Track 23-26 March 2015 Essen, Germany..
- Hosseini, M., Shahri, A., Phalp, K. and Ali, R., 2015. Transparency as a Requirement. In: The 21st International Working Conference on Requirements Engineering: Foundation for Software Quality (REFSQ 2015) - Demo and Posters Track 23-26 March 2015 Essen, Germany..
- Shahri, A., Hosseini, M., Phalp, K. and Ali, R., 2015. Motivation as a Supplementary Requirement. In: The 21st International Working Conference on Requirements Engineering: Foundation for Software Quality (REFSQ 2015) - Demo and Posters Track 23-26 March 2015 Essen, Germany..
- Hosseini, M., Shahri, A., Phalp, K. and Ali, R., 2015. Recommendations on Adapting Crowdsourcing to Problem Types. In: The IEEE Ninth International Conference on Research Challenges in Information Science (RCIS’15) 13-15 May 2015 Athens, Greece.
- Hosseini, M., Shahri, A., Phalp, K., Taylor, J., Ali, R. and Dalpiaz, F., 2015. Configuring Crowdsourcing for Requirements Elicitation. In: The IEEE Ninth International Conference on Research Challenges in Information Science (RCIS’15) 13-15 May 2015 Athens, Greece.
- Sherief, N., Abdelmoez, W., Phalp, K. and Ali, R., 2015. Modelling users feedback in crowd-based requirements engineering: An empirical study. Lecture Notes in Business Information Processing, 235, 174-190.
- Meacham, S., Gioulekas, F. and Phalp, K., 2015. SysML based design for variability enabling the reusability of legacy systems towards the support of diverse standard compliant implementations or standard updates: The case of IEEE-802.15.6 standard for e-health applications. SIMUTOOLS 2015 - 8th EAI International Conference on Simulation Tools and Techniques.
- Shahri, A., Hosseini, M., Phalp, K., Taylor, J. and Ali, R., 2014. Towards a Code of Ethics for Gamification at Enterprise. In: The 7th IFIP WG 8.1 working conference on the Practice of Enterprise Modelling (PoEM 2014) 12-13 November 2014 Manchester, UK..
- Fenning, R., Dogan, H. and Phalp, K., 2014. Applicability of SSM and UML for Designing a Search Application for the British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC). In: Exploring Modelling Methods for Systems Analysis and Design (EMMSAD), 26th International Conference on Advanced Information Systems Engineering (CAiSE '14) 16-20 June 2014 Thessaloniki, Greece.
- Almaliki, M., Faniyi, F., Bahsoon, R., Phalp, K. and Ali, R., 2014. Requirements-driven Social Adaptation: Expert Survey. In: In: 19th working conference on Requirement Engineering Foundation for Software Quality (REFSQ’14) 8-11 April 2014 Essen, Germany.
- Almaliki, M., Faniyi, F., Bahsoon, R., Phalp, K. and Ali, R., 2014. Requirements-driven Social Adaptation: Expert Survey. In: The 20th International Working Conference on Requirements Engineering: Foundation for Software Quality (REFSQ 2014) 7-10 April 2014 Essen, Germnay.
- Alrobai, A., Phalp, K. and Ali, R., 2014. Digital Addiction: a Requirements Engineering Perspective. In: The 20th International Working Conference on Requirements Engineering: Foundation for Software Quality (REFSQ 2014) 7-10 April 2014 Essen, Germnay.
- Sherief, N., Jiang, N., Hosseini, M., Phalp, K. and Ali, R., 2014. Crowdsourcing Software Evaluation. In: The 18th International Conference on Evaluation and Assessment in Software Engineering (EASE 2014). 13-14 May 2014 London, UK.
- Hosseini, M., Phalp, K., Taylor, J. and Ali, R., 2014. Towards Crowdsourcing for Requirements Engineering. In: The 20th International Working Conference on Requirements Engineering: Foundation for Software Quality (REFSQ 2014) - Empirical Track 7-10 April 2014 Essen, Germany.
- Hosseini, M., Phalp, K., Taylor, J. and Ali, R., 2014. The Four Pillars of Crowdsourcing: A Reference Model. In: IEEE Eighth International Conference on Research Challenges in Information Science (RCIS 2014). 28-30 May 2014 Marrakesh, Morocco.
- Ali, R., Jiang, N., Jeary, S. and Phalp, K., 2014. Consideration in Software-mediated Social Interaction. In: The IEEE Eighth International Conference on Research Challenges in Information Science (RCIS 2014). 28-30 May 2014 Marrakesh, Morocco.
- Alamro, S., Dogan, H. and Phalp, K., 2014. E-military recruitment: A conceptual model for contextualizing the problem domain. Information Systems Development: Transforming Organisations and Society Through Information Systems - Proceedings of the 23rd International Conference on Information Systems Development, ISD 2014, 186-193.
- Alrobai, A., Phalp, K. and Ali, R., 2014. Digital addiction: A requirements engineering perspective. Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics), 8396 LNCS, 112-118.
- Fenning, R., Dogan, H. and Phalp, K., 2014. Applicability of SSM and UML for Designing a Search Application for the British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC). BMMDS/EMMSAD, 175, 472-486 Springer.
- Shahri, A., Hosseini, M., Phalp, K., Taylor, J. and Ali, R., 2014. Towards a Code of Ethics for Gamification at Enterprise. PoEM, 197, 235-245 Springer.
- Phalp, K., Grimm, F. and Jeary, S., 2013. On the need for dedicated merge tooling to support collaborative modelling. In: 21st International Software Quality Management Conference, SQM 2013 4-6 September 2013 London.
- Gamil, N., Phalp, K. and El-Kilany, K.S., 2013. Modeling Course Design and Delivery Processes: A Case Study in an Egyptian Higher Education Institution. 3RD WORLD CONFERENCE ON LEARNING, TEACHING AND EDUCATIONAL LEADERSHIP, 93, 864-867.
- Phalp, K., Grimm, F. and Xu, L., 2012. Supporting Collaborative Work by Preserving Model Meaning When Merging Graphical Models. PRO-VE, 380, 262-269 Springer.
- Jeary, S., Musial, K. and Phalp, K.T., 2011. Exploring the requirements process for a complex, adaptive system in a high risk software development environment. In: 18th EuroSPI Conference 27-29 June 2011 Roskilde University, Denmark.
- Gunstone, R.E., Phalp, K.T. and Jeary, S., 2011. On the Application of Use Cases for Requirement Capture in Ubiquitous Computing Technologies. In: BCS Quality Specialist Group Annual International Software Quality Management SQM/INSPIRE Conference 18-20 April 2011 engCETL, Loughborough University, England. Loughborough, England: BCS, The Chartered Institute for IT.
- Jeary, S., Phalp, K.T., Milsom, F., Hughes, L., Webster, S. and Holroyd, J., 2011. Can using Fagan Inspections improve the quality of specification in 2011? A Case Study. In: BCS Quality Specialist Group Annual International Software Quality Management SQM/INSPIRE Conference Loughborough, England.
- Phalp, K.T., Jeary, S. and Xu, L., 2010. Support for Process Oriented Requirements Engineering. In: Invited talk to the BCS Software Process Improvement Network 4 March 2010 BCS Headquarters, London,.
- Phalp, K.T. and Jeary, S., 2010. An Empirical Investigation of the Utility of ‘pre-CIM’ models. In: Software Quality XVIII, 18th International Software Quality Management Conference, SQM 2010 29-31 March 2010 London.
- Jeary, S., Atfield-Cutts, S., Phalp, K.T. and Mayes, H., 2010. Using IT Support to improve the quality of Peer Assisted Learning. In: INSPIRE at Software Quality XVIII, 18th International Software Quality Management Conference, SQM 2010 31 March 2010 London.
- Xu, P., 2010. Lightweight process modeling for virtual enterprise process collaboration. IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology, 336 AICT, 501-508.
- Jeary, P., 2010. A requirements framework for novice web developers. , 33-40.
- Phalp, K.T., Jeary, S., Adlem, A. and Vincent, J., 2009. Comprehension, Use Case and Requirements. In: Annual International SQM (Software Quality Management) and INSPIRE (International conference for Process Improvement, Research and Education) Conferences 6-8 April 2009 Southampton Solent University, Southampton, England. , 207-218 British Computer Society.
- Engen, V., Vincent, J., Schierz, A.C. and Phalp, K.T., 2009. Multi-Objective Evolution Of The Pareto Optimal Set Of Neural Network Classifier Ensembles. In: International Conference of Machine Learning and Cybernetics (ICMLC & ICWAPR)2009. 12-15 July 2009 Baoding, Hebei, China. , 74-79 IEEE.
- Tong, D.L., Phalp, K.T., Schierz, A.C. and Mintram, R., 2009. Innovative Hybridisation of Genetic Algorithms and Neural Networks in Detecting Marker Genes for Leukaemia Cancer. In: 4th IAPR International Conference in Pattern Recognition for Bioinformatics 7-9 September 2009 Sheffield, UK. PRIB.
- Martin, A., Seel, C., Jeary, S., Coles, M., Kanyaru, J.M. and Phalp, K.T., 2008. Generating Software Support for Industrial Business Processes. In: MITIP 2008: The Modern Information Technology in the Innovation Processes of the Industrial Enterprises. 10th International Conference on 12-14 November 2008 Prague, Czech Republic.
- Kanyaru, K., 2008. Using visualisation to elicit domain information as part of the Model Driven Architecture approach.
- Kanyaru, J.M., Jeary, S., Coles, M., Phalp, K.T. and Vincent, J., 2008. Assessing Graphical User Interfaces in Modelling Tools for MDA Using the Cognitive Dimensions Framework. In: SQM 2008 and INSPIRE 2008 Conference 18-19 March 2008 University of Ulster, Northern Ireland.
- Grimm, F., Phalp, K.T. and Vincent, J., 2008. Enabling Multi-Stakeholder Cooperative Modelling in Automotive Software Development and Implications for Model Driven Software Development. In: MDABIZ 2008: 1st International Workshop on Business Support for MDA co-located with TOOLS EUROPE 2008 30 June-4 July 2008 ETH Zurich, Switzerland. On-line: CEUR-WS.
- Jeary, K., 2008. Extending the Model Driven Architecture with a preCIM level.
- Phalp, K.T., Jeary, S., Casey, V. and Lopez-Herrejon, R., 2008. Software Systems Centre and Software Engineering Research in the UK and Europe, Invited talk to the Software Engineering Research Centre (SERC). In: Invited talk to the Software Engineering Research Centre (SERC) Conference November 2008 Ball State University, Muncie, Indiana, USA.
- Phalp, K.T., Jeary, S., Crowle, S., Vincent, J. and Kanyaru, J.M., 2007. Supporting Stakeholders in the MDA Process. In: SQM 2007/INSPIRE 2007 1-2 August 2007 University of Tampere, Finland.
- Jeary, S., Phalp, K.T. and Vincent, J., 2007. Are Web Development Methods Too Difficult To Use? In: 15th International Software Quality Management Conference/INSPIRE conference 2-4 April 2007 Stafford, England.
- Jeary, S., Phalp, K.T. and Vincent, J., 2007. Web Development Methods and Techniques – A Survey. In: 15th International Software Quality Management Conference/INSPIRE conference 2-4 April 2007 Stafford, England.
- Kanyaru, J.M., Phalp, K.T. and Vincent, J., 2007. Enacting Use Case Descriptions Using States and Visual Development Environments. In: 12th Workshop on Model Analysis, Slicing and Transformation 21 February 2007 Kings College, London.
- Mintram, R., Anyakoha, C., Vincent, J. and Phalp, K.T., 2007. Modelling Call Detail Records from a Mobile Telecommunications Network. In: IASTED International Conference in Applied Simulation and Modelling (ASM 2007) 29-31 August 2007 Palma de Mallorca, Spain.
- Vincent, J., Engen, V., Langenberg, S., Phalp, K.T. and Mintram, R., 2007. A Notation and Representation for Describing and Evolving Correlation Patterns. In: 11th IASTED International Conference in Artificial Intelligence and Soft Computing (ASC 2007) 29-31 August 2007 Palma de Mallorca, Spain.
- Grimm, F., Phalp, K.T., Vincent, J. and Beier, G., 2007. Towards Semi-Automatic, Mental Map Preserving Visual Merging of UML Class Models. In: IADIS International Conference: Applied Computing 2007 18-20 February 2007 Salamanca, Spain.
- Phalp, K.T., 2007. The RolEnact Process Modelling Language. In: Talk to the Declarative Systems and Software Engineering Group (DSSE), Department of Electronics and Computer Science February 1997 University of Southampton.
- Phalp, K.T., Vincent, J. and Cox, K., 2006. Improving the Quality of Use Case Descriptions: Empirical Assessment of Writing Guidelines. In: Software Quality Management XIV, Perspectives in Software Quality, Proceedings of the 14th International Software Quality Management (SQM) conference 10-12 April 2006 Southampton Solent University, Southampton. , 257-266 British Computer Society.
- Jha, A., Cox, K. and Phalp, K.T., 2006. Creating a Best Fit Between Business Strategy and Web Services Capabilities Using Problem Frames Modelling Approach. In: 12th International Workshop on Requirements Engineering: Foundation For Software Quality (REFSQ´06) 5-6 June 2006 Luxembourg.
- Counsell, S.J., Phalp, K.T., Mendes, E. and Geddes, S., 2006. The Concerns of Prototypers and Their Mitigating Practices: An Industrial Case Study. In: The 7th International Conference on Product Focused Software Process Improvement 12-14 June 2006 Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
- Phalp, K.T., 2006. Improving the Quality of Use Case Descriptions: Empirical Assessment of Writing Guidelines and Issues with Empirical Studies. In: Talk for the Computing Seminar Series May 2006 Bournemouth University.
- Counsell, S., Phalp, K., Mendes, E. and Geddes, S., 2006. The Concerns of Prototypers and Their Mitigating Practices: An Industrial Case-Study. PROFES, 4034, 166-176 Springer.
- Counsell, K., Phalp, K.T., Mendes, E. and Geddes, S., 2005. What Formal Models Can’t Show Us: People Issues During the Prototyping Process. In: Product Focused Software Process Improvement: 6th International Conference, PROFES 2005: Proceedings 13-18 June 2005 Oulu, Finland. , 3-15 Springer.
- Counsell, S.J., Phalp, K.T. and Mendes, E., 2005. The Vagaries of the Prototyping Process in an Industrial Setting. In: 18th International Conference on Software and Systems Engineering and their Applications (ICSSEA 2005) 29 November-1 December 2005 CNAM, Paris, France.
- Kanyaru, J.M. and Phalp, K.T., 2005. Aligning Business Process Models with Specifications Using Enactable Use Case Tools. In: 1st International Workshop on Requirements Engineering for Business Need and IT Alignment (REBNITA 2005), 13th IEEE International Requirements Engineering Conference 29 August-2 September 2005 Paris, France.
- Kanyaru, J.M. and Phalp, K.T., 2005. Supporting the Consideration of Dependencies in Use Case Specifications. In: 11th International Workshop on Requirements Engineering: Foundation For Software Quality (REFSQ´05) 13-14 June 2005 Porto, Portugal.
- Kanyaru, J.M. and Phalp, K.T., 2005. Requirements Validation with Enactable Models of State-Based Use Cases. In: Empirical Assessment in Software Engineering (EASE 2005) 11-13 April 2005 Keele University, England.
- Jeary, S. and Phalp, K.T., 2004. On the Applicability of Problem Frames to Web-based Business Applications. In: First International Workshop on Advances and Applications of Problem Frames (IWAAPF'04) an ICSE'04 Workshop 24 May 2004 Edinburgh, Scotland. , 35-38.
- Cox, K., Phalp, K.T., Aurum, A., Bleistein, S.J. and Verner, J., 2004. Connecting Role Activity Diagrams to the Problem, Frames Approach. In: Australian Workshop on Requirements Engineering 6-7 December 2004 Adelaide, Australia.
- Counsell, S.J., Phalp, K.T. and Mendes, E., 2004. The ‘P’ in Prototyping is for Personality. In: 17th International Conference on Software and Systems Engineering and their Applications (ICSSEA 2004) 30 November-2 December 2004 CNAM, Paris, France.
- Kanyaru, J.M., Phalp, K.T. and Sheppard, T., 2004. Enhancing Use Case Descriptions With States: Validation Via Enaction. In: PREP Conference 5-7 April 2004 University of Hertfordshire, England.
- Cox, K. and Phalp, K.T., 2003. From Process Model to Problem Frame. In: 9th International Workshop on Requirements Engineering: Foundation For Software Quality (REFSQ´03) 16-17 June 2003 Klagenfurt/Velden, Austria.
- Phalp, K.T. and Cox, K., 2003. Using Enactable Models to Enhance Use Case Descriptions. In: ProSim'03, International Workshop on Software Process Simulation Modelling (in conjunction with ICSE 2003) 3-4 May 2003 Portland, USA.
- Phalp, K.T. and Cox, K., 2003. Exploiting Use Case Descriptions for Specification and Design. In: 7th International Conference on Empirical Assessment and Evaluation in Software Engineering (EASE 2003) 8-10 April 2003 Keele University, England.
- Phalp, K.T., 2003. Using enactable models to enhance use case descriptions: ‘Banging on about enaction again’. In: Presentation to the ESERG Empirical Software Engineering Workshop 2003 July 2003 Bournemouth University, England.
- Phalp, K.T. and Cox, K., 2002. Supporting Communicability with Use Case Guidelines: An Empirical Study. In: 6th International Conference on Empirical Assessment and Evaluation in Software Engineering (EASE 2002) 8-10 April 2002 Keele University, England.
- Phalp, K.T., 2002. Surrounding the Requirements Process. In: ESERG Workshop on Software Engineering September 2002 Bournemouth University, England.
- Phalp, K.T. and Cox, K., 2001. Guiding Use Case Driven Requirements and Analysis. In: 7th International Conference on Object-Oriented Information Systems (OOIS'2001) 27-29 August 2001 Calgary, Canada.
- Cox, K., Phalp, K.T. and Shepperd, M., 2001. Comparing Use Case Writing Guidelines. In: Seventh International Workshop on Requirements Engineering (REFSQ'2001) 4-5 June 2001 Interlaken, Switzerland.
- Phalp, K.T., 2001. Coming Full Circle: Observations on the history of process modelling or how requirements models became process models and then became requirements models again. In: Talk for the Computing Seminar Series October 2001 Bournemouth University, England.
- Phalp, K. and Cox, K., 2001. Guiding Use Case Driven Requirements Elicitation and Analysis. OOIS, 329-332 Springer.
- Cox, K. and Phalp, K.T., 2000. A Case Study Implementing the Unified Modeling Language Use Case Notation version 1.3. In: REFSQ'2000 - Sixth International Workshop on Requirements Engineering: Foundation for Software Quality 5-6 June 2000 Stockholm, Sweden.
- Phalp, K.T. and Cox, K., 2000. An Empirical Study of Problem Frame Selection. In: EASE'2000 - 4th International Conference on Empirical Assessment and Evaluation in Software Engineering 17-19 April 2000 Keele University, Staffordshire, UK.
- Cox, K. and Phalp, K.T., 2000. Use Case Authoring: Replicating the CREWS Guidelines Experiment. In: EASE'2000 - 4th International Conference on Empirical Assessment and Evaluation in Software Engineering 17-19 April 2000 Keele University, Staffordshire, UK.
- Phalp, K.T. and Cox, K., 1999. Semantic and Structural Difficulties with the Unified Modeling Language Use-Case Notation version 1.3. In: OOPSLA Workshop on Rigorous Modeling and Analysis of the UML: Challenges and Limitations 2 November 1999 Denver, Colorado, USA.
- Phalp, K.T. and Shepperd, M., 1999. Building on CHASM: A Study of Using Counts for the Analysis of Static Models of Processes. In: ICSE'99 Workshop on Empirical Studies of Software Development and Evolution, 18 May 1999 Los Angeles, USA.
- Phalp, K.T. and Shepperd, M., 1999. Analysing Process Models Quantitatively. In: EASE'99, Empirical Aspects of Software Engineering 12-14 April 1999 Keele University, UK.
- Phalp, K.T. and Counsell, S.J., 1997. CHASM: Counts and Heuristics for Analysis of Static Models. In: Harrison, R., ed. ICSE ‘97 Workshop on Process Modelling and Empirical Studies of Software Evolution 18 May 1997 Boston, USA.
- Phalp, K.T., 1997. Process Modelling: Notations, Methods and Enaction. In: Invited talk for Software Metrics Group January 1997 Bournemouth University, England.
- Harrison, R., Nithi, R., Phalp, K.T., Samaraweera, L.G. and Smith, A.P., 1996. An Empirical Study of a Software Maintenance Process. In: 5th Software Quality Conference (SQC) 96; Proceedings 9-10 July 1996 University of Abertay, Dundee.
- Phalp, K.T., 1996. Process Modelling in Computer Science. In: Invited Talk for the Enginering Integration Forum August 1996 Churchill College, Cambridge University.
- Phalp, K.T. and Shepperd, M., 1995. Lessons learned from an industrially-based process modelling case study. In: Invited Paper at the IEE Colloquium on Process Modelling for Engineering Applications November 1995 London.
- Phalp, K.T., Shepperd, M. and Ince, D., 1995. A study of software process and its implications for quality assurance. In: Third European Conference on Software Quality Management 3-5 April 1995 Seville, Spain.
- Phalp, K.T., 1994. Experiences of Software Process Modelling. In: Invited talk given to the Centre for Software Reliability (CSR) Software Reliability and Metrics Club November 1994 Brighton.
- Bush, R., Wang, R., McAlaney, J., Ali, R., Bolat, E., Charles, F., Arden-Close, E., Hodge, S., Phalp, K. and Thomas, S., 2022. EROGamb 2 Scoping Review. Bournemouth University.
- Wang, R., Bush, R., Arden-Close, E., Thomas, S., Hodge, S., McAlaney, J., Bolat, E. and Phalp, K., 2022. EROGamb 2 Narrative Review. Bournemouth University.
- Wang, R., Bush, R., Arden-Close, E., Thomas, S., Hodge, S., McAlaney, J., Bolat, E. and Phalp, K., 2022. EROGamb 2 Systematic Review. Bournemouth University.
- Bolat, E., Wang, R., Bush, R., Arden-Close, E., Hodge, S., McAlaney, J., Thomas, S. and Phalp, K., 2022. EROGamb 2 Website Transparency and Responsible Gambling Report. Bournemouth University.
- Wang, R., Bush-Evans, R., Arden-Close, E., Thomas, S., Hodge, S., McAlaney, J., Bolat, E. and Phalp, K.T., 2021. EROGamb 2 Systematic Review. Poole, England: Bournemouth University.
- Bolat, E., Wang, R., Bush-Evans, R., Arden-Close, E., Hodge, S., McAlaney, J., Thomas, S. and Phalp, K.T., 2021. EROGamb 2 Website Transparency and Responsible Gambling Report. Poole, England: Bournemouth University.
- Wang, R., Bush-Evans, R., McAlaney, J., Bolat, E., Arden-Close, E., Hodge, S., Phalp, K.T. and Thomas, S., 2020. EROGamb 2 Narrative Review. Poole, England: Bournemouth University.
- Bush-Evans, R., Wang, R., McAlaney, J., Ali, R., Bolat, E., Charles, F., Arden-Close, E., Hodge, S., Phalp, K.T. and Thomas, S., 2020. EROGamb 2 Scoping Review. Poole: Bournemouth University.
- Phalp, K.T. and Jeary, S., 2009. A pre-CIM workshop (Deliverable 11.3 of VIDE EU project FP6-IST-2005-033606). EC.
- Jeary, S., Spriestersbach, A. and Phalp, K.T., 2009. VIDE Final dissemination and exploitation plan, Deliverable 10.2 of VIDE EU project FP6-IST-2005-033606. EC.
- Jeary, S., Kanyaru, J.M. and Phalp, K.T., 2009. A Vertical Tool Chain Comparison. Deliverable 11.3, VIDE EU project FP6-IST-2005-033606. EC.
- Vincent, J., Phalp, K.T. and Mintram, R., 2008. EC 6th Framework Project ‘MDS’ (Misuse Detection System). EC. Available from:
- Jeary, S., Kanyaru, J.M., Coles, M., Roth, A., Wadziak, T., Habela, P., Phalp, K.T. and Vincent, J., 2008. EC 6th Framework Project ‘VIDE’ (Visual Model Driven Programming), Contract No. 033606. Visual user interfaces for model-driven programming – Evaluation of tools, method definition and design specification for VIDE. Technical Report D5.1. EC. Available from:
- Vincent, J. et al., 2007. EC 6th Framework Project ‘MDS’ (Misuse Detection System). EC. Available from:
- Vincent, J. and Phalp, K.T., 2007. EC 6th Framework Project ‘MDS’ (Misuse Detection System), Fraud Detection / Business Process Module Test Plan. EC. Available from:
- Vincent, J. et al., 2007. EC 6th Framework Project ‘MDS’ (Misuse Detection System). Design Update. EC. Available from:
- Vincent, J. et al., 2007. EC 6th Framework Project ‘MDS’ (Misuse Detection System), Contract No. 26459. Design Document. EC. Available from:
- Vincent, J., Phalp, K.T., Bauerdick, H., Gottfried, B., Kowalicki, P., Przybylski, M., Grycza, B., Gondzik, M., Vieira, P. and Muthuraman, S., 2007. EC 6th Framework Project ‘MDS’ (Misuse Detection System), Requirements and Data Model. EC. Available from:
- Vincent, J., Mintram, R., Phalp, K.T., Anyakoha, C., Bauerdick, H., Gottfried, B. and Muthuraman, S., 2006. AI Solutions for MDS: Artificial Intelligence Techniques for Misuse Detection and Localisation in Telecommunication Environments. EC. Available from:
- Vincent, J., Phalp, K.T., Bauerdick, H., Gottfried, B., Kowalicki, P., Przybylski, M., Grycza, B., Gondzik, M., Vieira, P. and Muthuraman, S., 2006. EC 6th Framework Project ‘MDS’ (Misuse Detection System). Data Model and Functional and Non-Function Requirements. EC. Available from:
- Kanyaru, J.M. and Phalp, K.T., 2004. A Lightweight State Machine for Validating Use Case Descriptions. Bournemouth: ESERG. Available from:
- Cox, K. and Phalp, K.T., 2004. Using Enactable Models to Enhance Use Case Descriptions, March 2003. Bournemouth: ESERG. Available from:
- Phalp, K.T., Counsell, S.J., Chen, L. and Shepperd, M., 1998. Using Counts as Heuristics for the Analysis of Static Models. Bournemouth: ESERG.
- Phalp, K.T. and Henderson, P., 1996. GISIP: Evaluation and Dissemination, Technical Report, Deliverable 4 of the EC Project, Best Practice GIS Integrated Processes (GISIP), Project number, 20.915. EC.
- Phalp, K.T., 1995. Models to Support Changes to Local Government Processes: Technical Report of the Declarative Systems and Software Engineering Group, Dept of Electronics and Computer Science, University of Southampton, for the EC funded project, GISIP, Best practice GIS integrated processes, Project no. 20.915. Southampton University.
- Phalp, K.T., 1995. An evaluation of software modelling in practice. PhD Thesis. Bournemouth University; School of Design, Engineering and Computing.
- Drosatos, G., Nalmpantis, F., Baines, V., Bolat, E., Vuillier, L., Kostoulas, T., Arden-Close, E., McAlaney, J., Phalp, K. and Ali, R., 2018. A conceptual architecture for empowering responsible online gambling with predictive, real- time, persuasive and interactive intervention. In: The 13th International Conference on Persuasive Technology (Persuasive’18).
PhD Students
- Rushan Arshad, 2024. Simulation of manufacturing processes, (Completed)
- John Mathenge Kanyaru: Completed 2007, 2007. Requirements validation with enactable descriptions of use cases
- Alimohammad Shahri. Engineering Motivation as a Supplementary Requirement in Socio-technical Systems
- Alec Banks: Completed Oct 2009. A Naturally Inspired Guidance System for Unmanned Autonomous Vehicles Employed in a Search Role
- Ali Fouad - Completed Aug 2011. Embedding Requirements within Model Driven Development
- Amen Alrobai
- Chukwudi Anyakoha: Completed March 2013. Telecommunication fraud detection using derived features
- Dong Ling Tong - Completed April 2010. Genetic Algorithm - Neural Network: feature extraction for bioinformatics data
- Frank Grimm - Completed December 2012. Enabling collaborative modelling for a multi-site model-driven software development approach for electronic control units
- Karl Cox: Completed 2002. PhD: Heuristics for Use Case Descriptions
- Konstantina Lepinioti (taken over from other staff): Completed Dec 2010. Data mining and database systems: Integrating conceptual clustering with a relational database management system
- Mahmood Hosseini. Social Adaptation: When Software Gives Users a Voice
- Nada Sherief. An Engineering Frameowrk for the Management and Configuration of End-users Feedback
- Noha Gamil Ibrahim - Completed Sep 2015. Process Improvement of Higher Education Institutions
- Rahul Premraj: Completed 2006. Meta-Data to Enhance Case-Based Prediction
- Sheridan Jeary: Completed July 2010. The requirements for, and use of, web development methods Jul-10
- Vegard Engen - Completed June 2010. Machine Learning for Network Based Intrusion Detection
Invited Lectures
Digital Addiction Research, University of Athens, 13 May 2016 more
Invited Talk at the University of Athens -
Role of Interactive Design in Digital Addiction, University of West London, 10 Mar 2016 more
Talk to IFIP symposium -
Digital Addiction Warning Labels, Institute for Mathematics and Applications, London, 26 Nov 2015 more
Talk to the Society for the Study of Gambling
- Picturing and voicing responsible online gambling (Economic and Social Research Council, 11 Sep 2020). Completed
- Participatory Design of Interactive Persuasive Gambling Awareness: Enabling Gambler-Centered Innovation (National Center for Responsible Gaming (NCRG), 01 Apr 2019). Awarded
- Towards Explainable Artificial Intelligence (XAI) (Match-funded with British Telecom, 03 Sep 2018). In Progress
- Best practice design for autonomic applications in the cloud (Match-funded with British Telecom, 18 Sep 2017). In Progress
- FIRST (European Commission, 01 Jan 2017). Awarded
- Systems Engineering for Enhancing Business Processes (BT, 01 Feb 2016). In Progress
- KTP with Chantacre Ltd (Technology Strategy Board, 02 Feb 2015). In Progress
- Digital Addiction: Engineering Addiction-Aware Software (Streetscene (match funder), 05 Jan 2015). In Progress
- Social Adaptation: When Software Gives Users a Voice (EC FP7, Marie Curie CIG, 16 Oct 2013). Awarded
- VolaComp: Software Engineering for VOLAtile COMpliance (Bournemouth University, Fusion Investment Fund, Mobility and Networking Strand, 01 Jul 2013). Completed
- BBB: Bournemouth - Birmingham - Brasilia Network on Socially-Adaptive Software (Bournemouth University, Fusion Investment Fund, Mobility and Networking Strand, 01 Feb 2013). In Progress
- KTP with Morning Data Limited (Technology Strategy Board, 01 Jun 2009). Completed
- KTP with Hark Solutions (Technology Strategy Board, 01 Mar 2009). Completed
- VIDE: Visual Model Driven Programming (European Commission, 20 Jul 2006). Awarded
- Enabling collaborative modelling for a multi-site model-driven software development (Bosch GmbH, 01 Jan 2006). Completed
External Responsibilities
- Middlesex University, External examiner for Information Systems Masters (2014-2018)
- University of Plymouth, External Examiner for undergraduate Computing (2014-2018)
- University of West London, External examiner for Computing Masters (2011-2016)
- Institute of Mathematics and its Applications (IMA), Member,