"BURO Case Study" In "Making the Repository Count: lessons from successful implementation"
Authors: Holland, M., Denning, T. and Crowley, E.J.
Editors: Dale, P., Beard, J. and Holland, M.
Publisher: Ashgate
Abstract:Matt Holland and Tim Denning continue the research theme and consider the importance of IRs in support of research, focussing on three areas; how the IR fits with the university organisation; how to promote the use of the IR to end users and contributors; and how to secure long term benefits for the broadest range of stakeholders. They incorporate two case studies into the discussion, and include a description of the implementation of Bournemouth University Research Online (BURO). With contributions from Emma Crowley, BURO Manager.
Source: Manual
Preferred by: Emma Crowley
"BURO Case Study" In "Making the Repository Count: lessons from successful implementation"
Authors: Holland, M., Denning, T. and Crowley, E.J.
Editors: Dale, P., Beard, J. and Holland, M.
Publisher: Ashgate
ISBN: 978-0754679578
Abstract:Matt Holland and Tim Denning continue the research theme and consider the importance of IRs in support of research, focussing on three areas; how the IR fits with the university organisation; how to promote the use of the IR to end users and contributors; and how to secure long term benefits for the broadest range of stakeholders. They incorporate two case studies into the discussion, and include a description of the implementation of Bournemouth University Research Online (BURO). With contributions from Emma Crowley, BURO Manager.
Source: BURO EPrints