First Contact Emotional Responses to Products

Authors: Reynolds, T.

Publisher: Institution of Engineering Designers and Design Society


People have emotional relationships with products that can vary from person to person and change over time. A persons’ emotional relationship with a product at the moment of first-contact is when a product is seen for the first time and when a significant emotional response can be evoked in a potential consumer or user

Source: Manual

Preferred by: Tim Reynolds

First Contact Emotional Responses to Products

Authors: Reynolds, T.

Editors: Boks, C., McMahon, C., Ian, W. and Parkinson, B.

Publisher: Institution of Engineering Designers and Design Society

Place of Publication: Trondheim, Norway

ISBN: 978-1-904670-19-3


This paper provides an overview of ongoing research at the inception stage of a PhD research project in the area of design and emotion, and discusses some of the key issues that have arisen out of the research to date. It outlines a pilot study that is planned to identify further avenues of research and considers the implications of the research on design education. The paper is part of research being developed by the Creative Design Research Group and taught on design courses, in the School of Design, Engineering and Computing at Bournemouth University. The paper illustrates how this can support the education and development of product and engineering design students in design education.

Source: BURO EPrints