Modernization and Changes in Attitudes towards Sex and Relationships in Young Peopple

Authors: Acharya, D., Regmi, P., Simkhada, P. and van Teijlingen, E.

Editors: Wasti, S., Simkhada, P. and Van Teijlingen, E.

Pages: 63-94

Publisher: Social Science Baha

Place of Publication: Kathmandu

ISBN: 978 9937 2 9095 1


Issues related to sexual and reproductive health (SRH) remain the leading cause of ill health among adolescents and young people worldwide and are of growing concern in Nepal. Young people are defined as those between the beginning of puberty and the attainment of adulthood. It is generally agreed that this period is usually associated with problems and challenges as they learn to become young adults, and sometimes struggle to fit into society. In such case, they may start experimenting with drugs, alcohol, tobacco and sex, which can make them vulnerable to various infections such as human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) and sexually transmitted infections (STIs). It is now recognised that young people have to develop their knowledge and skills to deal with the temptations and dangers associated with being an adult. Limited published literature reveals that Nepali cultures view sexuality as taboo, and it is generally understood that sexual activities outside marriage are not accepted.However, many studies show that a significant proportion of young people take part in pre and extra-marital and high-risk sexual activities. Young people’s sexual health behaviour might also have been influenced by the modernisation currently observed in many Nepali societies. In addition, many young people do not always use sexual and reproductive health services, and health facilities have failed to provide young people with specialised sexual and reproductive health education and services. Therefore, there is an urgent need for effective comprehensive sex education and young people friendly sexual health services in Nepal.

Source: Manual