Hanson, I, Rizviç, A and Parsons, T (2015). Bosnia and Herzegovina: Forensic archaeology in support of national and international organizations undertaking criminal investigations and identifying the missing 1996-2013. In M Groen, N Márquez-Grant and R Janaway (Eds) Forensic Archaeology: Global Perspectives. Wiley-Blackwell.
Authors: Hanson
Publisher: John Wiley & Sons
ISBN: 9781118745984
Abstract:This chapter deals with the success of forensic archaeology as one of several forensic sciences in a multi-disciplinary system assisting in criminal and missing person investigations in Bosnia and Herzegovina (Bosna i Herzegovina - BiH).The work undertaken between 1996 to the present day remains the largest forensic continuous operation ever undertaken in which forensic archaeology and anthropology has supported death investigations and identifications. Over 200 sites have been assessed and excavated a year, and over 22000 people have been identified. The potential for archaeological sciences to contribute to investigations became clear as soon as Yugoslavia began to break up
Source: Manual