Feminist praxis in sport, leisure and physical education

Authors: Caudwell, J., Mansfield, L., Watson, B. and Wheaton, B.

Pages: 723-727

DOI: 10.1057/978-1-137-53318-0_44


In the UK in 1989 Joan Smith, the acclaimed feminist journalist, novelist and human rights activist wrote her book Misogynies. Some 25 years later women activists and journalists continue to make public the level and depth of everyday sexism and misogyny in many of the world’s societies. More recently, Laurie Penny (2014), UK columnist and editor, writes powerfully about sexual freedoms and social justice for women and girls around the world. Both women offer texts that appeal to a readership beyond the confines of academia. As such they provide modes of feminist political intervention into popular culture. In this theme of the handbook, we aim to provide similar contributions through a focus on feminist activism and feminist praxis as opposed to explicit feminist theorizing and conceptualizing.

Source: Scopus