Jayne Caudwell

Dr Jayne Caudwell

  • Acting Head of Department Social Sciences and Social Work
  • Bournemouth Gateway Building BG501, St Pauls Lane, Bournemouth, BH8 8GP
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Jayne is interim Head of Department (job share with Dr Stefan Kleipoedszus) and Deputy Head of the Department of Social Sciences and Social Work. She is Associate Professor of Social Sciences, Gender and Sexualities. Her teaching and research interests are concerned with social justice and equality, critical socio-cultural analysis of leisure and sport cultures, feminist theory and activism, LGBTQ+ inclusion and theories of sexualities, and qualitative research methodologies. Since the late 1990s, Jayne has sustained peer-reviewed published work in these areas.

Jayne recently led on two funded research projects designed to improve the physical activity opportunities for the LGBTQ+ community in Dorset, Hampshire and the Isle of Wight. One funded by the British Academy (Safe Swim: Supporting physical activity and well being for transgender young people); the other funded by Energise Me and Sport England (Pride in our Workforce).

Jayne’s academic citizenship includes Caseworker and Equality Officer for University and College Union BU branch (2019-2023), co-convenor for BU Women's Academic Network (2017-2021), Managing Editor of Leisure Studies (2013 - 2020), Associate Editor of Sociology of Sport Journal (SSJ)(2014-17), and editorial board member for: SSJ (2007-10); International Review for the Sociology of Sport (2007-11); Qualitative Research in Sport, Exercise & Health (2013-17); Journal of Sport and Social Issues (2016 - present)...
