Cyberbullying and Peer-Oriented Online Abuse
Authors: Phippen, A.
Pages: 37-54
ISBN: 9781118977583
DOI: 10.1002/9781118977545.ch3
Abstract:This chapter explores a different focus of 'child safety' in the online world that of -peer abuse. It presents a number of different challenges and also explores the potential for solutions in which we have less of a clear-cut child protection perspective and in which exploration of offender motivations cannot so readily claim responsible action. The pornography debate is a complex one and the research on its influence on children, and adults, is equally difficult. The recent, excellent review of the influence of pornography for the Office of the Children's Commissioner came to a number of conclusions (for example, that those who commit violent sexual assaults often have viewed violent pornography), but it also quite clearly stated there is a lot we still do not know. Sexting - the self-generation and distribution of explicit images to either one or more recipients - is a modern phenomenon that is rarely out of the media.
Source: Scopus
Cyberbullying and Peer-Oriented Online Abuse
Authors: Phippen, A.
Pages: 37-54
Publisher: wiley
ISBN: 9781118977545
DOI: 10.1002/9781118977545.ch3
Source: Manual