Professor Andy Phippen
- aphippen1 at bournemouth dot ac dot uk
- Professor of IT Ethics and Digital Rights
- None
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Journal Articles
- Phippen, A. and Bond, E., 2024. Why do legislators keep failing victims in online harms? International Review of Law, Computers and Technology, 38 (2), 195-214.
- Phippen, A. and Bond, E., 2023. Biases, concerns and the erosion of rights: Addressing digital issues with adopted and fostered children in a policy vacuum. Adoption and Fostering, 47 (3), 245-261.
- Simmons, A., Short, E. and Phippen, A., 2022. Understanding Online Harms and How to Fix the Problem. ITNOW, 64 (1), 32-33.
- Furnell, S. and Phippen, A., 2012. Online privacy: A matter of policy? Computer Fraud and Security, 2012 (8), 12-18.
- Kasturiratne, D., Lean, J. and Phippen, A., 2012. International enterprise education in Sri Lanka: A blended approach. Education and Training, 54 (4), 306-318.
- Furnell, S., Von Solms, R. and Phippen, A., 2011. Preventative Actions for Enhancing Online Protection and Privacy. International Journal of Information Technologies and Systems Approach, 4 (2), 1-11.
- Coakes, E., Bryant, A., Land, F. and Phippen, A., 2011. The dark side of technology: Some sociotechnical reflections. International Journal of Sociotechnology and Knowledge Development, 3 (4), 40-51.
- Atkinson, S., Furnell, S. and Phippen, A., 2009. Securing the next generation: enhancing e-safety awareness among young people. Computer Fraud and Security, 2009 (7), 13-19.
- Furnell, S., Shams, R. and Phippen, A., 2008. Who guides the little guy? Exploring security advice and guidance from retailers and ISPs. Computer Fraud and Security, 2008 (12), 6-10.
- Furnell, S., Tsaganidi, V. and Phippen, A., 2008. Security beliefs and barriers for novice Internet users. Computers and Security, 27 (7-8), 235-240.
- Phippen, A. and Furnell, S., 2007. Taking responsibility for online protection - why citizens have their part to play. Computer Fraud and Security, 2007 (11), 8-13.
- Atkinson, S., Johnson, C. and Phippen, A., 2007. Improving protection mechanisms by understanding online risk. Information Management and Computer Security, 15 (5), 382-393.
- Furnell, S.M., Bryant, P. and Phippen, A.D., 2007. Assessing the security perceptions of personal Internet users. Computers and Security, 26 (5), 410-417.
- Lacohee, H., Phippen, A.D. and Furnell, S.M., 2006. Risk and restitution: Assessing how users establish online trust. Computers and Security, 25 (7), 486-493.
- Phippen, A. and Lacohée, H., 2006. eGovernment - Issues in citizen engagement. BT Technology Journal, 24 (2), 205-208.
- Phippen, A.D., Taylor, J. and Allen, R., 2005. Issues in moving from web services to service orientation. Internet Research, 15 (5), 518-526.
- Phippen, A.D., 2004. An evaluative methodology for virtual communities using web analytics. Campus-Wide Information Systems, 21 (5), 179-184.
- Joshi, P., Singh, H. and Phippen, A.D., 2004. Web services: Measuring practitioner attitude. Internet Research, 14 (5), 366-371.
- Schilke, S.W., Bleimann, U., Furnell, S.M. and Phippen, A.D., 2004. Multi-dimensional-personalisation for location and interest-based recommendation. Internet Research, 14 (5), 379-385.
- Phippen, A., Sheppard, L. and Furnell, S., 2004. A practical evaluation of Web analytics. Internet Research, 14 (4), 284-293.
- Evans, M.P., Phippen, A.D., Mueller, G., Furnell, S.M., Sanders, P.W. and Reynolds, P.L., 1999. Strategies for content migration on the World Wide Web. Internet Research, 9 (1), 25-34.
- Knahl, M., Hofmann, H.D. and Phippen, A., 1999. A distributed component framework for integrated network and systems management. Information Management and Computer Security, 7 (5), 254-260.
- Phippen, A. and Rutt, L., 2024. Exploring Research Impact in Academia and Why It Matters: Perspectives on the Public Good and the Role of Research in Society.
- The Children’s Media Yearbook 2022. The Children's Media Foundation.
- Bond, E. and Phippen, A., 2022. SAFEGUARDING ADULTS ONLINE: Perspectives on Rights to Participation.
- Phippen, A. and Brennan, M., 2020. Sexting and Revenge Pornography Legislative and Social Dimensions of a Modern Digital Phenomenon. Routledge.
- Phippen, A. and Bond, E., 2020. Organisational responses to social media storms: An applied analysis of modern challenges.
- Phippen, A. and Brennan, M., 2019. Child protection and safeguarding technologies: Appropriate or excessive ‘Solutions’ to social problems?.
- Gray, S.L. and Phippen, A., 2017. Invisibly Blighted The Digital Erosion of Childhood. Ucl Ioe Press.
- Phippen, A., 2016. Children’s Online Behaviour and Safety Policy and Rights Challenges. Springer.
- Phippen, A. and Lacohée, H., 2016. The impact of fibre connectivity on SMEs: Benefits and business opportunities.
- Phippen, A.. Policy and Rights Challenges in Children’s Online Behaviour and Safety, 2017–2023. Springer Nature.
- Phippen, A. and Bond, E., 2024. A sociotechnical anthropology of online safeguarding. Children, Young People and Online Harms: Conceptualisations, Experiences and Responses. 183-212.
- Phippen, A. and Street, L., 2024. Practice Vignette: Headstart Kernow's digital resilience project. Children, Young People and Online Harms: Conceptualisations, Experiences and Responses. 213-215.
- Phippen, A., 2023. Children, Data Collection, and Privacy - Is the Safeguarding Fallacy a Justification for Excessive Regulation and an Erosion of Human Rights? Regulating Cyber Technologies: Privacy vs Security. 203-233.
- Phippen, A. and Bond, E., 2023. Fighting the Tide—GPT and an Alarming Sense of Déjà Vu. Advanced Sciences and Technologies for Security Applications. 37-51.
- Phippen, A. and Bond, E., 2022. Online safeguarding and personal cyber skills for students. The Emerald Handbook of Higher Education in a Post-Covid World: New Approaches and Technologies for Teaching and Learning. 245-264.
- Phippen, A. and Bond, E., 2022. Working with schools to tackle online harms and gender-based violence. Stopping Gender-based Violence in Higher Education: Policy, Practice, and Partnerships. 390-412.
- Phippen, A. and Bond, E., 2021. Online misinformation, its influence on the student body, and institutional responsibilities. Libraries, Digital Information, and COVID: Practical Applications and Approaches to Challenge and Change. 215-225.
- Bond, E. and Phippen, A., 2020. Tackling teen sexting—policing challenges when society and technology outpace legislation. Advanced Sciences and Technologies for Security Applications. 157-177.
- Phippen, A. and Bond, E., 2020. Image recognition in child sexual exploitation material—capabilities, ethics and rights. Advanced Sciences and Technologies for Security Applications. 179-198.
- Phippen, A., Bond, E. and Buck, E., 2020. Effective strategies for information literacy education: Combatting ‘fake news’ and empowering critical thinking. Future Directions in Digital Information: Predictions, Practice, Participation. 39-53.
- Phippen, A., 2016. Cyberbullying and Peer-Oriented Online Abuse. Online Risk to Children: Impact, Protection and Prevention: First Edition. 37-54.
- Hennessy, C.H., Staelens, Y., Lankshear, G., Phippen, A., Silk, A. and Zahra, D., 2014. Rural connectivity and older people’s leisure participation. Countryside Connections: Older People, Community and Place in Rural Britain. 63-94.
- Heckmann, B., Zinn, M., Moore, R.C., Wentzel, C. and Phippen, A.D., 2012. Economic efficiency control on data centre resources in heterogeneous cost scenarios. 2012 International Conference for Internet Technology and Secured Transactions, ICITST 2012, 675-679.
- Heckmann, B., Phippen, A.D., Moore, R.C. and Wentzel, C., 2012. Agreeing on and controlling service levels in service-oriented architectures. CLOSER 2012 - Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Cloud Computing and Services Science, 267-270.
- Zinn, M., Fischer-Hellmann, K.P., Schuette, A. and Phippen, A.D., 2011. Information demand model for software unit reuse. Proceedings of the ISCA 20th International Conference on Software Engineering and Data Engineering, SEDE 2011, 32-39.
- Zinn, M., Fischer-Hellmann, K.P., Schuette, A. and Phippen, A.D., 2011. Reusable software units integration knowledge in a distributed development environment. Proceedings of the 2nd International Workshop on Software Knowledge, SKY 2011, in Conjunction with IC3K 2011, 24-35.
- Zinn, M., Bepperling, A., Fischer-Hellmann, K.P., Schuette, A. and Phippen, A.D., 2011. Reuseable software unit knowledge for device deployment. LWA 2011 - Technical Report of the Symposium "Lernen, Wissen, Adaptivitat - Learning, Knowledge, and Adaptivity 2011" of the GI Special Interest Groups KDML, IR and WM, 314-321.
- Zinn, M., Bepperling, A., Schoop, R., Phippen, A.D. and Fischer-Hellmann, K.P., 2010. Device services as reusable units of modelling in a service-oriented environment: An analysis case study. IEEE International Symposium on Industrial Electronics, 1728-1735.
- Zincir, I., Furnell, S. and Phippen, A., 2010. Behavioural profiling for impostor detection in mobile networks. 9th European Conference on Information Warfare and Security 2010, ECIW 2010, 334-342.
- Heckmann, B. and Phippen, A.D., 2010. Quantitative and qualitative description of the consumer to provider relation in the context of Utility Computing. Proceedings of the 8th International Network Conference, INC 2010, 335-344.
- Zinn, M., Fischer-Hellmann, K.P., Phippen, A.D. and Schütte, A., 2010. Finding reusable units of modelling - An ontology approach. Proceedings of the 8th International Network Conference, INC 2010, 377-386.
- Atkinson, S., Furnell, S.M. and Phippen, A.D., 2009. Risk culture influences in internet safety and security. Proceedings of the 3rd International Symposium on Human Aspects of Information Security and Assurance, HAISA 2009, 61-70.
- Heckmann, B., Stengel, I., Turetschek, G. and Phippen, A., 2009. Utility computing simulation. ESM 2009 - 2009 European Simulation and Modelling Conference: Modelling and Simulation 2009, 175-180.
- Lacohee Dr., H. and Phippen Dr., A., 2008. "Every Breath You Take, Every Move You Make, I'Ll Be Watching You:"The Social Impact Of Surveillance Technology. 21st International Symposium on Human Factors in Telecommunication, HFT 2008, 81-88.
- Schneider, O., Bleimann, U., Phippen, A.D. and Harriehausen-Mühlbauer, B., 2008. Inside coherence: Concept for a non-linear elearning solution. Proceedings of the 7th International Network Conference, INC 2008, 223-233.
- Atkinson, S., Johnson, C. and Phippen, A., 2007. Personal privacy threats: A taxonomy for risk assessment. Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Internet Technologies and Applications, ITA 07, 264-272.
- Atkinson, S., Johnson, C. and Phippen, A., 2007. Vulnerable groups and the impact of technology upon personal privacy. Proceedings of the International Symposium on Human Aspects of Information Security and Assurance, HAISA 2007, 55-66.
- Atkinson, S., Jagodzinski, P., Johnson, C. and Phippen, A., 2006. Semantic Web: A personal privacy perspective. WIT Transactions on Information and Communication Technologies, 36, 435-441.
- Schilke, S.W., Bleimann, U., Stengel, I. and Phippen, A.D., 2006. Fitting extended blended learning and multi-dimensional-personalization into learning management systems. Proceedings of the 6th International Network Conference, INC 2006, 393-400.
- Atkinson, S., Jagodzinski, P., Johnson, C. and Phippen, A., 2006. Personal privacy: Exploitation or control through technology. Proceedings of the 6th International Network Conference, INC 2006, 269-276.
- Schneider, O., Bleimann, U., Harriehausen, B. and Phippen, A.D., 2006. Non-linear extended blended learning. Proceedings of the 6th International Network Conference, INC 2006, 377-384.
- Taylor, J., Phippen, A.D. and Allen, R., 2005. Issues in implementing service oriented architectures. Proceedings of the 5th International Network Conference, INC 2005, 343-350.
- Zincir, I., Furnell, S. and Phippen, A., 2005. Intrusion detection via behavioural profiling on mobile and wireless networked devices. EUROMEDIA 2005 - 11th Annual Scientific Conference on Web Technology, New Media Communications and Telematics Theory Methods, Tools and Applications, 67-71.
- Evans, M.P., Furnell, S.M., Phippen, A.D. and Reynolds, P.L., 1998. Mobility considerations for integrated telecommunications service environments. IEE Conference Publication, 101-105.
- Phippen, A. and Ashby, S., 2013. Digital behaviors and people risk: Challenges for risk management. Published.
- Schneider, O., Bleimann, U., Phippen, A.D. and Harriehausen-Mühlbauer, B., 2009. Simplified creation and presentation of non-linear adaptive content. Published.
- Evans, M.P., Kettunen, K.T., Blackwell, G.K., Furnell, S.M., Phippen, A.D., Hope, S. and Reynolds, P.L., 1997. Network resource adaptation in the DOLMEN service machine. Published.