Choosing their own paths: Mobile methodologies for understanding youth lifestyles
Authors: King, K.
Pages: 83-98
DOI: 10.4324/9781315592404-6
Abstract:This chapter offers a contribution to the emerging youth mobilities paradigm by demonstrating how mobile methods offer a creative and participatory approach to research that is youth centred and can enhance people understanding of the social and spatial contexts which within which they situate their lifestyles. It presents findings from two separate case studies; the first involving young people in a multi faith urban context. The second conducted with young people who visit the countryside for leisure; and which employed mobile methods to explore the ways in which these different groups of young people locate their lifestyles in particular spaces. The chapter draws upon examples from each of these case studies to demonstrate how observing individuals chosen mobilities can address power imbalances in research with young people. It provides an important insight into their social worlds, and capture dynamic, embodied and meaningful relationships with space.
Source: Scopus