Interrogating the established knowledge and practice base of COVID -19 higher education learning

Authors: Morley, D. and Holley, D.

Editors: Jamil, M.G.

Publisher: Palgrave Macmillan


During the initial months of the COVID -19 pandemic in 2020, universities across the world raced to adapt their teaching, and students’ learning, to one where study could continue despite covid precautions, university closures and the lack of accepted online provision within university courses. The global higher education response took many forms and aligns with the five sections of the edited collection.

The COVID – 19 Higher Education Literature Database (CHELD) became an open access repository for 138 manuscripts published between 1 January 2020 and 30 June 2020 (Butler-Henderson, K., Crawford, J., Rudolph, J., Lalani, K and Sabu K.M, 2020a; 2020b). These were the first publications to capture the contributions academics were making to the significant change in learning and teaching in higher education that COVID-19 brought.

Chapter 1 will complete a systematic literature review of this database to underpin the five themes identified in the edited collection. The 138 publications will be examined for their institutional impact, their reworking of assessment and feedback strategies, the redesign of both whole programmes of study and the development of particular elements of pedagogy, and the strategies to support students’ learning and wellness during lockdown. In essence, the chapter will form the theoretical basis for the initiatives more fully explored within the rest of the book.

Source: Manual