Interview/Interpretive Approach in Air Travel Research: Research Process, Sampling and Trustworthiness Criteria

Authors: Elbardan, H.

Pages: 87-97

ISBN: 9781032459691

DOI: 10.4324/9781003379461-10


Studying the air travel business sector has attracted substantial attention from researchers from different disciplines with various research interests and research backgrounds. Picking a suitable research method is vital for the efficiency of air travel research. This chapter discusses the use of the qualitative interview method in conducting interpretive air travel research. Interpretative research aims to achieve a more profound understanding of a phenomenon to inform other instances instead of looking for generalizations. This chapter outlines the interview research processes, including the data collection, the sampling techniques, qualitative data analysis, the trustworthiness criteria as well as the ethical research considerations. It explains how to justify the rationale behind using interviews as a research method to gather the necessary data to achieve the intended contribution. This is because the selection of a research method has to be informed by a research approach that has an ontology, a theory of the reality nature, and an epistemology, a theory of how knowledge regarding reality can be acquired.

Source: Scopus