Adolescents' future career preparation and socioemotional competencies: A self-determination theory perspective

Authors: Anwuzia, E.

Pages: 145-166

DOI: 10.1007/978-981-99-7897-7_8


Deciding on a future career is central during adolescence. Besides inves-tigating the nature of adolescents' future career choices, considering the social and psychological experiences during career preparation is crucial. Adolescents' percep-tions of their preferred discipline, the teachers assigned to teach them, and relation-ship with their peers, influence the evaluation of their career choice and future career development. These aspects of the school context during mid-late adolescence are also critical in assessing the satisfaction or not of the basic needs of autonomy, compe-tence, and relatedness. Using self-determination theory (SDT) and the Collaborative for Academic, Social, and Emotional Learning framework (CASEL), this chapter will show how the perceived roles of teachers and peers in satisfying adolescents' basic psychological needs facilitate their career preparation and, in turn, promote the following socioemotional competencies: self-awareness, self-management, relation-ship and responsible decision-making skills, necessary for effective career decision-making and socioemotional adjustment in secondary school. Adolescents may, as such, experience low self-confidence, indecisiveness, poor socioemotional adjust-ment, and career distress when their basic psychological needs are threatened. Based on an empirical study among secondary school adolescents in Nigeria, this chapter is guided by two research questions: How do adolescents perceive their teachers' and peers' behaviors as (less) supportive of the basic needs of autonomy, competence, and relatedness during their career preparation? and in what way can these perceived behaviors influence adolescents' cultivation of socioemotional competencies? This chapter enhances the understanding of developmental tasks like career preparation as socioemotional learning (SEL) pathways.

Source: Scopus

Adolescents’ Future Career Preparation and Socioemotional Competencies: A Self-Determination Theory Perspective

Authors: Anwuzia, E.

Publisher: Springer Nature

Source: Manual