Digital Diplomacy and Conflict Resolution

Authors: Allen, S. and Titova, O.

Editors: Haponenko, V.

Pages: 65-71

Publisher: KNEU

Place of Publication: Kyiv, Ukraine

ISBN: 978-966-926-487-9


In an era marked by rapid technological progress and global interconnectedness, the convergence of digital diplomacy and conflict resolution has emerged as a focal point for policymakers, scholars, and practitioners. The evolution of digital technologies, coupled with the widespread presence of social media platforms, has reshaped the landscape within which diplomatic initiatives, mediation endeavors, and peacebuilding efforts unfold. This report discusses the multifaceted realm of digital diplomacy and its indispensable role in navigating the complexities of conflict resolution in the current information and communication environment and offers real- world examples, such as the use of social media in diplomacy by various state leaders, demonstrating the potential and impact of digital diplomacy.

Source: Manual