Athlete Welfare

Authors: Kavanagh, E. and Gennings, E.

Publisher: Routledge

Place of Publication: London

DOI: 10.4324/9780367766924-RESS120-1


Sport is widely acknowledged for its potential positive impact on athletes' development and overall wellbeing. However, it is crucial to recognise that sport can also pose a significant threat to athlete welfare. With athlete disclosures of physical, psychological, and sexual violence on the rise, and mounting evidence suggesting that sport can sometimes prioritise performance outcomes over the welfare of athletes, addressing athlete welfare is an urgent priority. The chapter explores athlete welfare on an individual, relational, and organisational level in addition to the significance of safeguarding policy as a strategy to support the wellbeing of all athletes. Authors conclude that proactive safeguarding measures are paramount in order to support the welfare of all athletes, stressing the importance of a preventive approach rather than a reactive one. Engaging in an international dialogue reflective of societal discourse is vital to steer sport towards a safer and more supportive environment for all athletes, placing their welfare at the heart of sporting endeavours.

Source: Manual