Ellie Gennings

Dr Ellie Gennings

  • Senior Lecturer in Sports Coaching
  • DH217,
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Ellie is a Senior Lecturer in Sports Coaching at Bournemouth University, specialising in enhancing children's wellbeing in sporting environments. Her expertise lies in adopting a holistic approach to sports coaching, with a specific emphasis on addressing social issues and fostering ethical sporting environments.

In 2022, Ellie completed a PhD that explored the intricacies of children's wellbeing, aiming to empower children's voices in research and explore their perceptions of wellbeing. This work resulted in the development of a psychometric measure of wellbeing. Ellie’s research publications have advanced the field of adolescent wellbeing, particularly within sport and leisure contexts. She recently led a funded evaluation project on a digital intervention designed to support children's mental health through physical activity. Currently, she is working on projects focused on how children are positioned in sporting spaces and the implications of this on their rights and well-being.

Ellie collaborates closely with both local and national charities and organisations, including the Royal Yachting Association, Strombreak (a charity dedicated to supporting children's mental health), and the Andrew Simpson Foundation (focused on promoting inclusivity and wellbeing in watersports)...



Ellie is interested in supervising projects within the following broad areas and welcomes interested individuals to contact her via email: 1) Youth's experiences of sport/physical activity from a wellbeing perspective 2) Ethical coaching practice, particularly focusing on safe sport.

Expertise related to UN Sustainable Development Goals

In 2015, UN member states agreed to 17 global Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) to end poverty, protect the planet and ensure prosperity for all. This person's work contributes towards the following SDGs:

Good health and well-being

"Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages"

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Peace, justice and strong institutions

"Promote peaceful and inclusive societies for sustainable development, provide access to justice for all and build effective, accountable and inclusive institutions at all levels"

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Journal Articles



  • Gennings, E., Hannah-Russell, C. and Randall, V., 2024. Breaking the Storm: A whole school approach to mentally healthy movement. In: British Educational Research Association 9-12 September 2024 University of Manchester.

Internet Publications


  • Hunter, A. and Gennings, E., 2023. Football Dreams or Nightmares: The Academy. In: The International Research Network on Violence and Integrity in Sport (IRNOVIS) Research Symposium Safe sport research today: Where are we at?.
  • Gennings, E., 2023. Young people’s experiences of returning to sport and exercise in blue spaces after national lockdown.

PhD Students

  • Sarah Tomlinson. Understanding marginalisation and experiences of water sports, (In progress)
  • Tariq Alshikhy. An investigation into the role of soft power applied to sporting mega-events to optimise organisational performance and income generation., (In progress)

Profile of Teaching UG

  • Coach and Athlete Welfare
  • Conducting Research in Sport and Exercise
  • Applied Sport Psychology
  • Developing Coaching Practice
  • Dissertation Coordinator

Invited Lectures

  • Youth Physical Activity and Health, Oxford Brookes University, 28 Mar 2021 more
  • Athlete Welfare and Wellbeing, Middlesex University, 08 Feb 2021 more


  • A Concept Mapping Study of High-Performance Adolescent Athlete’s Perspectives of Safety in Sport. (IOC Olympic Studies Centre, 01 Jan 2025). Awarded
  • Bournemouth University Evaluation of Stormbreak and NHS Dorset Project (Strombreak, 01 Oct 2022). Awarded
  • Socio-cultural barriers to participation in watersports (BU - Charity Impact Fund., 23 Jan 2022). Awarded

External Responsibilities

Journal Reviewing/Refereeing

  • NIHR Proposal Reviewer, 01 Jan 2023

Public Engagement & Outreach Activities

  • Dissemination of research findings

Conference Presentations

  • Leisure Studies Association Virtual Conference, A return to blue space: The impact of blue exercise post-pandemic on young people, 06 Jul 2021, Southampton Solent University
  • British Psychological Society: Division of Health Psychology Annual Conference, Adolescent Well-being: Conceptualisations from the perspective of the child and expert, 29 Jun 2021, Digital
  • Wessex Public Health Conference, Conceptualising Adolescents Well-being to Inform the Development of a Validated Scale of Well-being, 25 Mar 2020, Southampton


  • PhD in Sport, physical activity, and wellbeing (University of Winchester, 2022)
  • MSc in Applied Sport and Exercise Sciences (University of Winchester, 2019)
  • BSc (Hons) in Sport Coaching (University of Winchester, 2017)


  • Higher Education Academy, Fellow,

Social Media Links

External Media and Press

Broadcast Interview